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Young Dan Is Not A Happy Man

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  • Young Dan Is Not A Happy Man

    I got a phone call from Lesley when I was at work to say that Daniel, our 11 year old Grandson, had been knocked down by a car on his way to school. Nobody knew anything, my daughter being infromed by one of her police colleagues, apart from that he was on his way to A & E by ambulance. I mentioned it to my boss who immediately told me to go home.

    I had a 1.5 hour journey home, with all sorts of thoughts running through my head and it wasn't until I was almost home that I found out that he has a broken tibia. Luckily, although the speed limit is 30 MPH, the car was only doing about 20 MPH when he was hit and the mature driver was keeping a sensible speed, due to the number of kids about. He was carrying his PE kit in a rucksack on his shoulder and it swung up and cushioned his head as he went down.

    I fetched him, daughter and son-in-law from hospital at just before 3PM yesterday. His leg and ankle are so badly swollen that they will not be able to fit a walking plaster until next week. He is in a lot of pain but we are counting our blessings that he is on one piece.
    It's only a hobby!

  • #2
    good to hear that hes ok.

    i knocked a young lad down about 2 years ago, he ran out from behind a bus, its a frightning thing for everybody, only thing that saved the young lad is that i wasnt going fast either.

    glad to hear hes ok and i also feel sorry for the old guy involved as well.

    cheers scotty


    • #3
      Originally posted by scotty
      good to hear that hes ok.

      i knocked a young lad down about 2 years ago, he ran out from behind a bus, its a frightning thing for everybody, only thing that saved the young lad is that i wasnt going fast either.

      glad to hear hes ok and i also feel sorry for the old guy involved as well.

      cheers scotty
      So did i 4 years ago but the 14 year old lad didnt make it. He wes dead before the ambulance got there. I was only doing 20mph and didnt even see him. I thought i had hit a wing mirror or something, so i puled up and walked round the back of the van and there he was.
      Cant remember anything after that but been suffering with depression ever since.
      Im glad your grandson got out of it ok. its frightening isnt it?


      • #4
        And i thought i had problems. Hope your boy will be OK and pain goes soon. I was lucky, no pain at all. Maybe your boy and i can swap plaster caste stories, as we will both be laid up for a while.
        Must be the leg breaking season.
        Regards Philip
        Still Searching,
        Dick Whittington


        • #5
          Glad your lad is (more or less) OK - could have been loads worse. $$$$$$ lucky about his PE kit...

          Originally posted by Philip
          plaster caste
          Is that a group of people with broken limbs?

          I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


          • #6
            How awful, glad that he is basically ok


            • #7
              Sorry to hear of your troubles Phil, hope he makes a speedy recovery
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                glad to know young dan a tough lad hey
                i recon lots of sweets from grandad should put the smile back on his face
                Enjoying Life after Cancer


                • #9
                  Really sorry to hear the poor lad was in an accident but good news that he's not been injured too badly - thank God for rucksacks! Hope he makes a sppedy recovery too - and that the old guy that hit him is OK too - must have been quite a shock for all concerned.
                  Too old to care, young enough to remember


                  • #10
                    Glad to hear the young lad is ok, Magnum that is a terrible to happen I can't even imagine what you must have gone through, you have my total symphathy.


                    • #11
                      Thanks to all for the wishes. He looked a bit more comfortable when we took his sisters home tonight. We collected the girls from school and brought them back here for the evening, as Dan and his mum hadn't slept at all last night because of the pain.

                      The girls drew cards for him tonight, so I made one too. On the front it had a crayon drawing of a boy playing football with Dan's head photo-shopped on, with the caption, "Hope you will soon be up and about, meanwhile.............."
                      Inside it had a boy lying on a bed (again with Dan's head super-imposed) with his plastered leg raised and, "......make the most of your break!" I drew him with the TV remote in his hand, game boy on the side, a pile of football mags, an open issue of TOR magazine a big box containing chocolates and a bag of raw carrots (don't ask) . He thought it was hilarious.
                      It's only a hobby!

