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Really Pee'd off now

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  • Really Pee'd off now

    I just been in touch with the hospital about my operation and i have been booked in for the 27th April nearly 2 months after they said i'll be having it originally.
    This means i will be just about recovered for the September RTTS but don't worry it will still be going ahaead as i'm not gonna cancel it.
    I'm just hoping that it don't get put off again as i would of used up my 9 months sick leave and will be in the sh1te so i am keeping everything crossed now that i go in on the 27th

  • #2
    I went offroading for the 1st time a week after my KNEE OP just take it easy.


    • #3
      they just love to mess with are lives......


      • #4
        I had my Hernia operation on March 9th last year. It took months to get an appointment with a specialist. Then a week before I was supposed to see him they cancelled it. I was told by my GP it was a cash shortage issue (Oxfordshire) and as they ran out of money they wouldn't do it.

        I then wrote to every top brass person in the NHS fighting for my right to treatment. I finally got an appointment with a Proffessor on a review board. He took one look at it and said i defo needed the op. One month later and it was all done.

        It's the sign of the times that after years of paying into the NHS, when you need help you get this sort of treatment.

        I can't praise the Doctors and Nurses enough. I thought my treatment was top notch, 1st class!!!!

        It's the pen pushing nobs in suits who look after the money that make peoples lives hell.

        Good luck with the op. Hope you get it done soon. Don't lie back and take it though. Fight for it.


        • #5
          The trouble is when i saw the consultant in November he said it will be booked as a urgent op which is about 3-4 months but then at xmas 5 wards shut at Treliske so i suppose anyone that was in for op's then would be first on the list and everyone else put back a bit.
          I know its not the doctors and nurses fault its the pen pushers up stairs that have cocked up the budgets at the NHS Trust.
          I am just worried about what will happen financially if i am off now for over 7 months as i wont be entitled to any sick pay from work.
          My doctor has signed me off work now because the pain i'm in at the mo and the medication i'm on and won't let me back to work until after my op.


          • #6
            Originally posted by stormforce1067
            The trouble is when i saw the consultant in November he said it will be booked as a urgent op which is about 3-4 months but then at xmas 5 wards shut at Treliske so i suppose anyone that was in for op's then would be first on the list and everyone else put back a bit.
            I know its not the doctors and nurses fault its the pen pushers up stairs that have cocked up the budgets at the NHS Trust.
            I am just worried about what will happen financially if i am off now for over 7 months as i wont be entitled to any sick pay from work.
            My doctor has signed me off work now because the pain i'm in at the mo and the medication i'm on and won't let me back to work until after my op.

            Start writing letters to the chairman of the PCT. Tell them the problem and the fact you are running out of sick pay time. Tell them about all the pain etc. You need to find out who the top person is and write to them. No good writting to someone under them as they keep this sort of thing to themselves. Also mention that you will be taking it up with your local MP and will consider going to the press.

            They are obligated to treat you within 6 months of first being refered by your GP. You need to really lay on the pressure. If you sit back and say nothing they will leave you alone.

            They told me I wouldn't be getting my operation. I thought I'm not having that, I was in agony. I caused such a bl00dy stink that they refered me to the head of the review board (an American Proffessor) After he saw me I was in within a month.

            It's not the first time either. I was booked in to have all 4 wisdom teeth out. After a 2 1/2 YEAR wait I still heard nothing. So I wrote the hospital a letter. They called me two weeks later on my mobile and asked if I could go in THE NEXT DAY. I said I needed at least a weeks notice. They booked me into a PRIVATE hospital for the following week and took them out. They obviously coc*ed up and got me in there and then. Amazing what they can do when their in the sh*t.


            • #7
              Our wonderfull national health service dont ya just love em, still better than most countrys i guess but it still hacks you off the way everything is based on money, my wife's getting the run around, after waiting 3 months for an appointment with a consultant, we spent 2 1/2 hours in the waiting room to spend 5 minuits with him, (he's running late, surprise) now got to go back in 3 months time for result of tests (kidneys) her GP dose'nt seem to know her arse from her elbow, just fobs her off, and it'd cost around 3 grand to go private, Hope ya get it sorted out soon Richard, it's bad enough haveing to have an op without waiting for it, you just want to get it over
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                I've had 2 Private Ops paid for by the NHS! Due to long waiting times Private Hospitals like BUPA are paid to take these ops to shorten waiting times on the NHS.
                (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                • #9
                  just read your thread, sounds sh*t! these guys are fight we have a team called PALS, Patient Advice and Liaison Services. you can ask them what you can do and tehy have to tell you all your options. See if you have something like that at trelisk (spelling!! not my falt am still recovering from haveing my 3 remaining wisdom teeth pulled and drilled out today, under general so am quite sore and atill feel a bit wierd!) anyway if you can't find anyone with you you can call derriford and ask PALS if they can help at least they can put you in touch with some one that could !
                  it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by drunkmonkeyboy
                    just read your thread, sounds sh*t! these guys are fight we have a team called PALS, Patient Advice and Liaison Services. you can ask them what you can do and tehy have to tell you all your options. See if you have something like that at trelisk (spelling!! not my falt am still recovering from haveing my 3 remaining wisdom teeth pulled and drilled out today, under general so am quite sore and atill feel a bit wierd!) anyway if you can't find anyone with you you can call derriford and ask PALS if they can help at least they can put you in touch with some one that could !
                    cheers Mike i'll give it a go


                    • #11
                      no worrys it aint what you know!! If you need any help finding anything out i can have a go just let me know. might as well make some use of the training i do!!
                      it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by drunkmonkeyboy
                        no worrys it aint what you know!! If you need any help finding anything out i can have a go just let me know. might as well make some use of the training i do!!
                        will let you know soon how i get on


                        • #13
                          I know our NHS system isn't perfect ( i am diabetic and because i was unable to attend my last check up they knocked me off the list and i had to start again back at my GP) but just think about other countries.

                          my brother had lived in Thailand for 6 years and the idiot decided that his health insurance was too expensive so he cancelled it. Last summer he had a massive heart attack in Phuket. The hospital phoned and said the only way he had a chance to survive was to airlift him to another hospital in Bangkok. That cost £6,000, and they wanted payment first before thay would transfer him.
                          The hospital in Bangkok was fantastic and really tried everything with him, but after 1 month he died. I went out to Thailand to sort things out and i was actually with him when he died, so i saw for myself what the hospital were doing. Before the hospital would release his body for cremation i had to sign a form guaranteeing to pay the hospital bill.

                          The bill was for just under £45,000

                          i know my brother was stupid for not having insurance, but even so 45 grand for the hospital (51 if you include the airlift) is an enormous amount of money.

                          so when people complain about the NHS i just try to keep quiet because i know how good the system is compared to some other countries.
                          Now surfing in the sun


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by pedrot
                            I know our NHS system isn't perfect ( i am diabetic and because i was unable to attend my last check up they knocked me off the list and i had to start again back at my GP) but just think about other countries.

                            my brother had lived in Thailand for 6 years and the idiot decided that his health insurance was too expensive so he cancelled it. Last summer he had a massive heart attack in Phuket. The hospital phoned and said the only way he had a chance to survive was to airlift him to another hospital in Bangkok. That cost £6,000, and they wanted payment first before thay would transfer him.
                            The hospital in Bangkok was fantastic and really tried everything with him, but after 1 month he died. I went out to Thailand to sort things out and i was actually with him when he died, so i saw for myself what the hospital were doing. Before the hospital would release his body for cremation i had to sign a form guaranteeing to pay the hospital bill.

                            The bill was for just under £45,000

                            i know my brother was stupid for not having insurance, but even so 45 grand for the hospital (51 if you include the airlift) is an enormous amount of money.

                            so when people complain about the NHS i just try to keep quiet because i know how good the system is compared to some other countries.
                            Im not runnng down our nhs and i understand why my op has been put back to the end of April,it was just that i was hoping i would of been in now for it like they said a couple of months ago but its all down to ward closures and a extra waiting list because of it.Because its been 19 months now since my accident and i am just wanting to get it all over with and back to normal like i was before.


                            • #15
                              Surely we could carry out the op for you Richard, I mean, how hard can it be to replace a hip joint? I've got a balljoint seperator, Tonys got a press, Vatchmans got the steel, Jottos got a welder, Andrew Lee has a BFH, MattF can put you to sleep with his thread on the viscous fan disassembly, Ian 619 can be in charge of lighting, Apache can rig up an ECG, and we could all do it in Chillitt's shed.


