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Sympathy needed please.

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  • Sympathy needed please.

    Comming down stairs Thurs lunchtime, with a 45 kilo box of Fuel Cats to send to France(i do sell some sometimes!) whe i get to bottom stair and put my foot on our varnished wood floor in hallway. Might have helped if wife had told me she had just mopped it.Right foot shoots out, 45 Kilo box lands on leg, breaks it in two places, so now in plaster for how long i don't know.
    So no driving for weeks and as an example, just dropped pen on floor, but its too much hassle to pick up. Talk about being helpless.
    On top of that its my 60th birthday on the 22nd, so it looks like i'll be hobbling into old age.
    I have been very lucky really as so far, believe it or not i have had no pain, even with two breaks, one at the top and tother at the bottom of big bone from knee to ankle.
    Anyway, everybody welcome for a coffee etc, if your around Acton, West London. I will definately be indoors.
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington

  • #2
    Those French swine.
    They are always trying to get one over on us.


    • #3
      Still Searching,
      Dick Whittington


      • #4
        have you sent the wife out for a carpet yet
        serious tho OUCH mate get well soon
        will it affect the cat business??
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          I,m sitting at my desk now and hopefully will be able to continue, with wifes help. Will have to move everything around, as for instance, all my files are on shelf just above me, but can't reach the bl**dy things. I am sitting here now cotemplating the journey to the loo, as was in hospital last time i went, so wish me luck.I also thought that when i saw people hopping about with crutches, it was quite easy, believe me, its quite tiring, especially as walking the dog is about the most exercise i did.
          Still Searching,
          Dick Whittington


          • #6
            Originally posted by Philip
            I,m sitting at my desk now and hopefully will be able to continue, with wifes help. Will have to move everything around, as for instance, all my files are on shelf just above me, but can't reach the bl**dy things. I am sitting here now cotemplating the journey to the loo, as was in hospital last time i went, so wish me luck.I also thought that when i saw people hopping about with crutches, it was quite easy, believe me, its quite tiring, especially as walking the dog is about the most exercise i did.
            Mmmm maybe move the puter in the loo with a nice cushion with hole in it for ablutions
            Enjoying Life after Cancer


            • #7
              I feel for you Philip, I was in full length plaster for six months after a motorcycle accident some years ago, and it changes your whole way of life.

              Hope you get well soon, and in the mean tme I hope the adjustment to the situation goes well.

              Still working for the man!


              • #8
                OUCH Phil,

                Get well soon

                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #9
                  Ouch Phil - hope it heals fast and your wife gets some signs for the floor next time - two breaks...oowwwwwwwwwww

                  Get well soon and get back to Surfin'
                  Too old to care, young enough to remember


                  • #10
                    Get well soon m8, know exactly how you feel ($$$$$$ french)hehe only jokin. Did the quacks say how long in the mud?


                    • #11
                      Sympathies M8, Take it slowly but hope ya make a quick Recovery ...
                      Glad to hear ya got the wife to Help out, after all she did contribute to ya downfall !!!! Joking of course....
                      Just in case she looking over ya shoulder
                      Good Luck

                      There's always a Payback .... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                      Buncefield Burner


                      • #12
                        And i just bought a Jaos front protector, which i suppose will stay on the living room floor for a while, maybe i should have been using it. At least Tony won't have to put up with me for a while.
                        Was quite serious, if anyone around my area, drop in for a coffee. Always happy to meet fellow Surfers. Might even try to sell you a Fuel Cat cheap!!!
                        Thanks everyone for messages.
                        Regards Philip
                        Still Searching,
                        Dick Whittington


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Philip
                          And i just bought a Jaos front protector, which i suppose will stay on the living room floor for a while, maybe i should have been using it. At least Tony won't have to put up with me for a while.
                          Was quite serious, if anyone around my area, drop in for a coffee. Always happy to meet fellow Surfers. Might even try to sell you a Fuel Cat cheap!!!
                          Thanks everyone for messages.
                          Regards Philip
                          Take things easy Phillip . If you need the Surf kept running I am willing to take it to Norfolk for you and give it a run around for a bit .
                          I am only up the road from you so just send me a PM if you need something .
                          Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                          • #14
                            TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



                            • #15
                              Ouch, sounds nasty..

                              Hope it heals clean, quickly and well for you, so that you can soon get back to business and Surfing
                              Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu

