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Swings and Roundabouts of using veg oil

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  • Swings and Roundabouts of using veg oil

    an interesting read here http://money.uk.msn.com/investing/ar...mentid=3519865 about whether it's still viable to use bio-fuels. Take note the beer drinkers here, there's a very interesting paragraph.
    Hold my beer and watch this

  • #2
    Originally posted by Jason_b555
    an interesting read here http://money.uk.msn.com/investing/ar...mentid=3519865 about whether it's still viable to use bio-fuels. Take note the beer drinkers here, there's a very interesting paragraph.
    I read it them lost my temper, they stuffed it with anti 4x4 links & anti car links..... my bloods still boiling & i've nobody to evict this afternoon

    I noticed there was no mention of making biofuel from WVO either
    Bring me the head of a treehugger


    • #3
      Decent enough article. Not something to immediately worry us at a consumer level though.

      In terms of economics, they could have saved a few thousand words by just saying "as people use vegetable oil more its price will go up and then it won't be worth using anymore".

      We (the world, not this forum) should be focusing on using waste products (WVO, LPG or Methane) rather than trying to produce fuel from crops.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sancho
        Decent enough article. Not something to immediately worry us at a consumer level though.

        In terms of economics, they could have saved a few thousand words by just saying "as people use vegetable oil more its price will go up and then it won't be worth using anymore".

        We (the world, not this forum) should be focusing on using waste products (WVO, LPG or Methane) rather than trying to produce fuel from crops.
        Sancho, you are quite right there, more effort should be put to using waste products, I wonder how much methane gas from old coal mines & old tips could be harnessed to reduce the relaiance of natural gas. As with WVO where does it all go at present
        Bring me the head of a treehugger


        • #5
          Originally posted by coolsv650
          Sancho, you are quite right there, more effort should be put to using waste products, I wonder how much methane gas from old coal mines & old tips could be harnessed to reduce the relaiance of natural gas. As with WVO where does it all go at present
          Most WVO goes down people's drains, congeals in the sewers and is an absolute arse to shift.

          There's a reasonable amount of power produced in Norfolk using chicken and turkey poop but the main problem is the carbon used in transporting the stuff everywhere (hence putting it in Norfolk where all the turkeys are/were). There are also an increasing number of new buildings running on combined heat and power plants, often fuelled by waste wood chippings.

          Most LPG is used as fuel. I don't know what happens to methane from mines and land fill.


          • #6
            Originally posted by coolsv650
            my bloods still boiling & i've nobody to evict this afternoon
            Are you a bailiff by any chance, I may have some private work for you..
            -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sancho
              We (the world, not this forum) should be focusing on using waste products (WVO, LPG or Methane) rather than trying to produce fuel from crops.
              Don't forget woodgas.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MattF
                Don't forget woodgas.
                Sorry got wind again


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Woodzie
                  Sorry got wind again


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by max6674
                    Are you a bailiff by any chance, I may have some private work for you..

                    I'll do it for £25, £50 if you want rid of the body.


                    • #11
                      Nah not like that... well maybe! I did some work for a company and they owe me just short of £5k and trying to get it is like getting blood out of a stone.
                      -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by AuldNick
                        I'll do it for £25, £50 if you want rid of the body.
                        surely that charge depends on the body, getting a skip big enough to fit two jags in will cost more than £50 to hire !!!
                        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by UDTrev
                          surely that charge depends on the body, getting a skip big enough to fit two jags in will cost more than £50 to hire !!!

                          Mince him then sell to Berni Mathews as turkey trill



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by max6674
                            Nah not like that... well maybe! I did some work for a company and they owe me just short of £5k and trying to get it is like getting blood out of a stone.
                            Rule No1. If it's a public "company" rob them blind, it's expected and they will demand their cut = £5 to you = £50 to them and a tenner to the suit.

                            Rule No2. Never EVER deal with a LTD company unles you know where to find his wife and kids, always walk into the house never knock, he will have a better car than you and a bigger TV so all wont be lost

                            BTW.....If he tries the "bankrupt" con tell the fat suited ape (court pleb) all the stuff is HIRED from you, take it away and sell quick.


                            • #15
                              I do granite worktops for a living and I have done some work for some big developers, show rooms and the like. Most of them have paid up to date so far, just strugling with these 2. I have it in my terms that I still own all the materials in full until all acounts are settled, so I may have to ride over to Bradford on Saturday (when the showroom is busy with new customers) and start pulling them out... ??
                              -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-

