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f~#king bins

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  • #16
    Originally posted by johnd
    im all for recycling , i always use recycled timber , ( it was a tree , now its my fence ) and i drive a diesel
    what more do they want
    B L O O D ! ! !

    and ANY applicable tax !
    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #17
      the council try to make out that they're saving the planet... but they're just lining their pockets!!...

      where goes re-cycled glass go??... they SELL it to agregates companies

      when the paper mill was big in my village, we all used to take waste paper into school / cubs / scouts etc. and they were paid for it!... now you give it away for free and the council get the money (but never mention that)

      i've driven bottle bank, waste paper and cardboard recycling jobs and its MASSIVE business!!... No-one's in it for the environment, it's all about CASH!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #18
        Originally posted by da SLUG man
        the council try to make out that they're saving the planet... but they're just lining their pockets!!...

        where goes re-cycled glass go??... they SELL it to agregates companies

        when the paper mill was big in my village, we all used to take waste paper into school / cubs / scouts etc. and they were paid for it!... now you give it away for free and the council get the money (but never mention that)

        i've driven bottle bank, waste paper and cardboard recycling jobs and its MASSIVE business!!... No-one's in it for the environment, it's all about CASH!

        Its what I've been saying all along, same with the government, NOT interested in the environment, only in how much more tax they can get from us pratts to feed their greedy expense accounts.( pollaticians....ALL SCUM)

        Still working for the man!


        • #19
          Originally posted by da SLUG man
          the council try to make out that they're saving the planet... but they're just lining their pockets!!...

          where goes re-cycled glass go??... they SELL it to agregates companies

          when the paper mill was big in my village, we all used to take waste paper into school / cubs / scouts etc. and they were paid for it!... now you give it away for free and the council get the money (but never mention that)

          i've driven bottle bank, waste paper and cardboard recycling jobs and its MASSIVE business!!... No-one's in it for the environment, it's all about CASH!
          Recycling- there's a laugh!

          I'll tell you a story..... Whilst in a car park at Chipping Campden one day I watched the good citizens of that town dutifully come and go emptying their carefully sorted waste into the appropriate glass, paper, cardboard, metal and plastic "recycling" bins. A little while later a council lorry turned up. After checking no-one was around (presumably they didn't see me in my car) they emptied the whole lot, all mixed up, into the one lorry!!! Then they probably drove off to the nearest landfill site.....


          • #20
            Originally posted by laser_jock99
            they probably drove off to the nearest landfill site.....
            it gets crushed into powder and added to aggregates... also used for the sparkly bits in road markings!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

