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Deal or Very Good Deal

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  • Deal or Very Good Deal

    I've been looking at the SKY £26 a month offer for Broadband phone and TV. But you need a BT phone line and the cheapest is £11 per month, total £37
    I'm currently with Virgin Media ex Ntl/Telewest on a similar package costing £41.50 per month.

    I phoned Virgin to see what they could do to match the Sky price and surprise - suprise they have given me a £16.50 discount on each month that I will keep as long as I'm a customer, this means my total is now £25. plus calls.

    I passed this info to my son yesterday and he made the call saving him £36.50 per month on his larger TV/Broadband package.

    If you are a Virgin Media customer, just call them free on 150, follow the prompts to the "You are thinking of leaving Virgin Media" and select the callback option. They called back within half hour.

    I hope this is useful to some of you. Keep Surfing.

    Regards Colin
    Regards Colin.

  • #2
    Originally posted by cal36288
    I've been looking at the SKY £26 a month offer for Broadband phone and TV. But you need a BT phone line and the cheapest is £11 per month, total £37
    I'm currently with Virgin Media ex Ntl/Telewest on a similar package costing £41.50 per month.

    I phoned Virgin to see what they could do to match the Sky price and surprise - suprise they have given me a £16.50 discount on each month that I will keep as long as I'm a customer, this means my total is now £25. plus calls.

    I passed this info to my son yesterday and he made the call saving him £36.50 per month on his larger TV/Broadband package.

    If you are a Virgin Media customer, just call them free on 150, follow the prompts to the "You are thinking of leaving Virgin Media" and select the callback option. They called back within half hour.

    I hope this is useful to some of you. Keep Surfing.

    Regards Colin

    hey thanks i was going to cut my tv package down but i will do this instead!! i like my tv and internet but not the increased cost!!! will let you guys know the outcome
    it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


    • #3
      Rang 150, listened to all the promps, twice, no 'Are you thinking of leaving Virgin' option. Still waiting for call to be answered by customer services after 12 minutes! Will let you know how I get on.
      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


      • #4
        Yahoo! Success story, same package that I have now for £24 a month less!

        If Virgin had had any sense they would have contacted existing Telewest customers and offered them the same package for, say, £10 a month less than they pay now. Everybody would have been happy and thought it was a great deal.

        Then again how many people will ring up and ask for a price comparable to Skys offer?

        Thanks very much cal36288 if I ever bump into you the beers are on me mate! (Well the first 2 or 3 anyway!)
        Last edited by Scorpion; 23 February 2007, 13:29.
        'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


        • #5
          damm it was not organised enough and called at ten past 5 and they finished at 5!!! will get on it on monday! told the misses and my old man about it too so we all thank you for the tip! now lets hope it all works!
          it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


          • #6
            I rang and now get faster broadband and more channels for 10 quid a month less

            nice one


            • #7
              Thats some useful info there mate!!!! I'll have to get the rents to give it a shot!! Cheers!!


              • #8
                a big improvement on NTL then!?
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

