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  • #16
    Originally posted by MattF
    Course you did. There was the .............................. .........

    No, you're right.

    hehe another useless post[COLO[/COLOR]
    Last edited by joker??; 18 February 2007, 01:31.
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #17
      At this rate you will overtake richard in about 10 days and will be chasing pops down


      • #18
        Originally posted by nero279
        and I believe the next post was something along the lines of 'drooling over animated chics'
        No http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/forums/sh...4&postcount=50

        Good idea though....
        Last edited by Woodzie; 18 February 2007, 01:34.


        • #19
          I've slipped from 9th to 11th.... must try harder...
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Chillitt
            I've slipped from 9th to 11th.... must try harder...
            Well I know one person who's nicked a spot off you.

            Woodzie, you forgot Cave Babe and Jessica.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Woodzie
              At this rate you will overtake richard in about 10 days and will be chasing pops down
              It's taken me from when you started this new shift pattern to scre..., sorry, pass you, , and I was about 500 behind you, so Richard is approx. 650 in front and Pops 1000, so I'd give 'em about 6 weeks.


              • #22
                Originally posted by MattF
                It's taken me from when you started this new shift pattern to scre..., sorry, pass you, , and I was about 500 behind you, so Richard is approx. 650 in front and Pops 1000, so I'd give 'em about 6 weeks.
                Its not a new shift pattern (yet) just more 'HELP CAN YOU DO OVERTIME'

                but it will happen as the new focus job comes online along with Bmw increasing the requirements for rocker covers


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MattF
                  Well I know one person who's nicked a spot off you.

                  Woodzie, you forgot Cave Babe and Jessica.

                  yes but if you have to resort to spelling corrections to do it.....
                  it's in me shed, mate.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Chillitt
                    yes but if you have to resort to spelling corrections to do it.....
                    Would I sink that low? Really, what do you take me for.......................


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by MattF
                      Would I sink that low? Really, what do you take me for.......................
                      How long we got ?
                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MattF
                        Would I sink that low? Really, what do you take me for.......................
                        Some one with a compulsive disorder

                        PS tes i have spelt smetine wrong i am sure


                        • #27
                          Right. I really, really mean it this time. Really I do. I'm not talking to you lot any more. :sulk:


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Woodzie
                            Its not a new shift pattern (yet) just more 'HELP CAN YOU DO OVERTIME'

                            but it will happen as the new focus job comes online along with Bmw increasing the requirements for rocker covers
                            Bugger. That really does mean I must have been posting cartloads of $hite then.

