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some advice for the young

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  • some advice for the young

    The first love, the first kiss, the first hug, these are the moments that remain etched in your memory forever.
    However, the moment that gives you excitement as well as jitters the most is "kissing for the first time". You
    blush as well as you fret, at the same time. Because, this is one of those moments that won't come again in
    your life. You may kiss many times in your life, but the feel of your first kiss will stay with you forever and
    ever and ever.

    So, are you also looking for answer to the question of "how to kiss the first time"? Then, this article is the
    perfect for you. Here, we are providing some tips for the first kiss…

    Make Sure It's The Right Person
    The first thing first, be sure that you are at ease with the person you are going out with. The first kiss is very
    special, so, don't spoil it with a person you don't even know too well. Do you like her, have you had a
    good time, etc, are some of the questions that you need to answer before going through the kiss.

    Be Comfortable
    Don't worry too much about the kissing for the first time. The tension or the nervousness will take away the
    pleasure from the kiss entirely. Just remember to go with the flow.

    Choose The Right Place
    The first kiss needs to be utterly romantic, with the perfect place, the perfect ambience, etc. Choose a place
    where both of you are alone and the setting is aesthetically appealing. If you can, have soft music paying
    around you with the light reduced to the dimmest possible.

    Choose The Right Time
    After the place, the next most important thing is the right time. The most perfect time is when you keep on
    looking in each other's eyes for a long time, without speaking a word. But remember not to get too hasty.

    Is Your Partner Also Ready
    There are ways of making sure that your partner is also ready for the kiss. Never Ever Ask. Lean a little bit
    closer than the usual and wait for some time. If she backs off, don't push. However, if your companion is
    still there or leans a bit and maintains lots of eye contact, then, things are going in the right direction.

    Smell Right
    While kissing, people come very close to each other. So, make sure that you smell right, both your breath
    as well yourself. A sensuous smell will definitely be of a great help to you.

    How To Go About The Kiss
    Proceed slowly, making sure your partner feels comfortable. Hold her lightly and keep the kiss light and
    soft. If you are not too sure, a sweet brush of lips is always the safest bet. Then, wait to see how your partner

    After The Kiss
    After the kiss is over, hold your partner for a few moments. Then, see what she wants to do. If she
    continues with the same position, enjoy the closeness for some more time and then see where the kiss leads you.
    If you think your luck is in, gently move her into position, bend her over the washing machine and back-scuttle the bitch !!
    TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008
