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first rescue!

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  • first rescue!

    Well, I took Apaches advice after the last floods and put a tow rope in the surf.

    Driving up newtown road tonight in the ice and slush was a nightmare tonight (40 mins from shrubhill to ronkswood if you know the area). Rear wheel drive cars are $$$$, they were all over the shop! Overtook a load of stopped cars to find a wheelspinning beemer driven by a nice young lady. towed her out, and she offered me.....

    ..... a fish supper as she owns the local chippy!!!

    that freed up the road and traffic was able to move again. no-one complains about us on days like today eh?

    cheers all!
    If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.

  • #2
    I never got to do any rescues and boy did I look for them!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      boy i bet that felt good.......................a free fish supper
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #4
        Rescued a young lady who stuffed her Ford Ka into a hedge yesterday morning. I was offered thanks but nothing else!


        • #5
          On Thursday am, towed an Audi through my village - he had started to drive through as the main road was blocked, and got stuck, then towed a nice young lady in a new mini out of a perpetual wheel spin, a transit and a Toyota Carina...help direct traffic away from and around two jacknifed lorries that were blocking the village at the top, and bottom of the hill - saw two Surfs, no waves, flashes, smiles, fish suppers or phone numbers

          Made me feel good at least
          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #6
            Discretion being the beter part of valour I took the surf to work in the snow instead of the normal RX8 work transport. Mrs TJG gave me real stick 'cos she hates the rexer "don't know why you bought it if you can't use it all the time" sort of stuff. I gave her the horses for courses line but she was on the moral high ground.

            On rescues I once helped the plod clear the M20 by pulling a beamer out of the armco and onto the hard shoulder. Not with surf though, with previous rangey.
            Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


            • #7
              I'm getting ready for more rescue work tommorow. The rapid thaw has already caused two local rivers to rise rapidly. The ford at Kenilworth was over 6" tonight (nothing stuck yet though) and the River Leam & Avon were both up to the top of the banks an hour ago when I looked......

