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No, I'm Not Too Old For Loud Music!

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  • No, I'm Not Too Old For Loud Music!

    Such a beautiful day yesterday, I had a run down the coast in the afternoon. Too cold to walk about much so I sat in the Surf with the stereo turned up and enjoyed the view.

    Got a few looks as people walked and drove by, but I don't know if they were admiring the Surf or wondering why a 50 year old bloke had music pounding out of 2 X 1000 watt subs!

    I used to be a DJ in my youth and I've never grown out of liking a nice, loud, bassy sound to my music. I still like a lot of the current chart and club music of today but most people look at you like you're the oldest swinger in town if you play it loud.

    Well tough luck, I still enjoy my music and it's not as if I have the sides of the Surf bulging because it's that loud.

    Anyone else like to 'play it loud'.

    "Hey, DJ, where's the bass?"
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    the louder the better thats what i say.at the moment i keep on playing (knights of cydonia) by muse. cant seem to get that tune outta my head.


    • #3
      Music always sounds better loud, planning to get my 6x9s in the truck soon. Good taste in music too Vatchman
      Hold my beer and watch this


      • #4
        SPL (volume) is good, SQ (quality) is better, get both and you're onto a winner. Mind you i don't get odd looks, just degrading, another bl00dy boyracer looks. I'm only 23 though so i may have an excuse. And i haven't sorted the surf sound system yet, so you probably can't hear it unless i got the windows open.
        =SOLD UP!=

