Three months ago when I drove my Surf from the UK to Switzerland it over heated a few times towards the end of the journey. I could get 2 hours driving then the car heater would start blowing cold, 2 mins later the things over heating. Left it for half an hour and stuck some more water in, repeat, and limped the last 500kms home. Took it to the local mechanic who said that a hose had blown off somewhere in the cooling system, he 'fixed' it.
I've driven it around for the past 3 months without any trouble but never more than 100km at a time. Last night I picked my sister and 18 month niece up from the airport (160kms). I was boasting that the car was fixed now and pointed out the last layby that I spent an hour in just 15 minutes from home, when... same damn thing... heating stopped working, gauge went mental and the coolant reservoir started bubbling like a Turk on pay day.
I thought the car was running good so I bought 2 mega batteries for it £250
What's going on? Don't really want to pay the mechanic to fix it again... help... please!!!
I've driven it around for the past 3 months without any trouble but never more than 100km at a time. Last night I picked my sister and 18 month niece up from the airport (160kms). I was boasting that the car was fixed now and pointed out the last layby that I spent an hour in just 15 minutes from home, when... same damn thing... heating stopped working, gauge went mental and the coolant reservoir started bubbling like a Turk on pay day.
I thought the car was running good so I bought 2 mega batteries for it £250
