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Selling- what's happened?

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  • Selling- what's happened?

    Is it just my surf or are others having problems selling? I have had mine on here and in local papers, auto trader etc for about a month and half and have had absolutely no real interest at all.......

    What's going on?

  • #2
    everyones skint.
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      yep, lend us a quid
      TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



      • #4
        Originally posted by Chillitt
        everyones skint.
        Thats a understatement


        • #5
          Originally posted by Woodzie
          Thats a understatement
          no, that's an understatement! where's matt and why am i doing his job?
          i swear, it was like that when i got here...


          • #6
            Psuedo-greenies villifying 4x4s and their owners? The artificially inflated price of fuel? Ridiculous parking charges? The threat of Pay as you Drive?

            Keep it and stick two fingers up to the lot of them!
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              Originally posted by logey79
              no, that's an understatement! where's matt and why am i doing his job?
              Now you ruined my fun .....I leave mistakes evry whee for hm to fnd


              • #8
                A recession is what happens when the government, tax us in every way possible and then spend the money, sending troops to free people in faraway countries, who either don't want it or don't know what to do when they have it.
                In a recent survey in papers, the UK came number 37.
                Says it all. We have been paying more tax on everything from cars, fuel, records,CD's etc etc.
                Still Searching,
                Dick Whittington


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Philip
                  A recession is what happens when the government, tax us in every way possible and then spend the money, sending troops to free people in faraway countries, who either don't want it or don't know what to do when they have it.
                  In a recent survey in papers, the UK came number 37.
                  Says it all. We have been paying more tax on everything from cars, fuel, records,CD's etc etc.
                  That's without the Government handing out our (hard earned) £200 million here & there in the name of our Genorosity ..........or Stupididity

                  There's always a Payback .... You just won't see it Comin !!!!
                  Buncefield Burner


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by logey79
                    no, that's an understatement! where's matt and why am i doing his job?
                    Just think. Several years from now, you could be just as pedantic as I at this rate.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Woodzie
                      Now you ruined my fun .....I leave mistakes evry whee for hm to fnd
                      Whee cracks me up everytime. I don't know why.......


                      • #12
                        My biggest and latest gripe.

                        Councils charging £300 app for larger cars for residents parking permits. Richmond Council being the first, with i think 7 or 8 more to follow. All this in the name of cleaner air.
                        Since when does a parked car emit exhaust fumes, wether parked in your driveway or side of the road.
                        The charge is supposed to be to make the air cleaner in Richmond upon Thames. This will not make one difference, excfept people who had lovely front gardens, will now apply to have them turned into Concrete parking bays.
                        It is discrimination against people who do not have a front garden or driveway.
                        I was told by Richmond council, that no exception could be made for veg/bio users as there cars can run on 100% diesel and how would they know what you are running on.
                        I don't even live in Borough of Richmond, but it just $$$$es me of no end, as does charging mileage nationwide. It works in Europe as you have a choice wether to go on Motorways or A roads, but i don't think it would work here, except on very small sections, such as just north of Birmingham, where it definately cuts down time.
                        Still Searching,
                        Dick Whittington

