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Hilux surfing down...?

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  • Hilux surfing down...?

    Hey guys,

    I just ordered a nice double din rare pioneer carrozerria deck from Japan and I'll be installing it as soon as it arrives. As well as some 6.5 focal components in the doors, crossovers under the armrest part of the door, and then the component tweater higher up in the door panel. I'll be dynomatting the door as well.

    I had looked earlier at "hilux surfing" www.showmesome.info/hilux/ and they had an article on how to remove the center console for getting at the head unit. It appears its down right now, does anyone know if its coming back up? Is the owner of the website a member on here?


  • #2
    Originally posted by Tango
    Hey guys,

    I just ordered a nice double din rare pioneer carrozerria deck from Japan and I'll be installing it as soon as it arrives. As well as some 6.5 focal components in the doors, crossovers under the armrest part of the door, and then the component tweater higher up in the door panel. I'll be dynomatting the door as well.

    I had looked earlier at "hilux surfing" www.showmesome.info/hilux/ and they had an article on how to remove the center console for getting at the head unit. It appears its down right now, does anyone know if its coming back up? Is the owner of the website a member on here?

    'Hilux Surfing' is Codlord's site. You could try mailing him to see if it's coming back any time soon.

    It's not hard to get to the stereo (I can do it.....) but it is a bit of a pain in the arse and it's a lot easier with Codlord to tell you where all the screws are hiding (down by the side of the glove box as I recall.....)

    Can you get UK radio on that stereo then?


    • #3
      I just tried the website and it's still down.

      The guy who owns it is here....


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tango
        Hey guys,

        I'll be dynomatting the door as well.

        Oops panic over, I did wonder what possible reason you could have for blowing up your door. Thats what you get when you try to speed read a post

        Сви можемо


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sancho
          'Hilux Surfing' is Codlord's site. You could try mailing him to see if it's coming back any time soon.

          It's not hard to get to the stereo (I can do it.....) but it is a bit of a pain in the arse and it's a lot easier with Codlord to tell you where all the screws are hiding (down by the side of the glove box as I recall.....)

          Can you get UK radio on that stereo then?
          I'm in Canada, but I'm 99.9999% sure that you have high band in the UK as well. As far as Canadian Radio, I just purchased a High Band expander for the radio so that I can get the higher frequencies that are in North America (96-108MHZ) as opposed to Japans (76 - 90mhz) I think it is... You just hook it inline to the antenna and hook it to a 12v power source and away you go

          I've ripped apart dashes of previous cars, so I'm not to scared to tackle the job, its just a lot faster if you already have a guide showing you where everything is The only concern I have is fabricating a mounting system for the door panels to take the component speakers, as I believe the speakers will be sticking out slightly from the door (They won't be flush..)
          I've searched around here, but it doesn't seem as though anyone has a guide to what mounting system they fabricated, although they've had to make one it most cases.

          Thanks for the update guys, I will contact him and see if its coming back up


          • #6
            wiibly wobbly did this not long ago so i have just ripped his post off. its an easy job mate.

            Yep, the instructions on the quoted post are a little too brief for complete numpties like me, but I got there in the end.

            It went something like this:

            Pull off heater and fan control knobs.
            Gently prise out heater control facia. Start at left and coax it out. It is hooked in at right and will lift out to the left once all of the clips are free.
            Remove ashtray surround by removing the push clips on each side of the central tunnel. You need to push the central pin right in and then grip the outside collar and pull to remove.
            Remove the surround by pulling towards you.
            Next remove the following screws:
            Three screws along the top of the glovebox.
            Two screws at the bottom of the glovebox.
            Screws along the top edge of the dash that secure the lower dash to the upper dash.
            Any other screws that you can see that hold the lower part of the lower dash in place.
            Now here is the dodgy bit.
            GENTLY but firmly prise the lower dash away from the upper dash.
            The top is held firmly in place so to ensure that you don't snap anything, work your way along. When you feel resistance you know that you have located a mounting point, so you can then pull a little more vigourously. Do not pull when the dash is flexing, it will snap.
            Disconnect the clock plug so that the lower dash can be pulled away completely (and don't forget to re-connect it when you are re-assembling everything).
            Re-assembly is, as they say, a reversal of this process.
            Getting the lower dash back in may take several attempts, but it does go. Don't force anything.
            If you start losing your temper, go make a cup of coffee.
            If you don't you will snap something.

            Apart from physically fitting the stereo that is about it. I didn't have any brackets in my Surf to mount it, but the JVC sleeve was a snap fit in the facia and seems to hold it ok. I decided not to fit a cubby hole, so I put the stereo in the bottom half and my turbo timer and mode programmer are velcro'd on top. My console now looks like a Christmas Tree!

            Have fun

            Rob G
            TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



            • #7
              Have a look here http://www.installdr.com/InstallDocs...PDF/869017.pdf for full step-by-step instructions
              Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


              • #8
                Originally posted by Morr
                Have a look here http://www.installdr.com/InstallDocs...PDF/869017.pdf for full step-by-step instructions
                Nice helpful post mate, Will be using it in the near future but do you have instructions for right hand drive LOL,Thanks


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Glen3337
                  Nice helpful post mate, Will be using it in the near future but do you have instructions for right hand drive LOL,Thanks

                  Print them off, then flip the paper over and shine a light through from the back. Instant right hand drive version!

