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BBC in 'getting the facts right' shock.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by UDTrev
    Shock Horror

    I have had an email from the BBC, they ARE looking into the complaint I raised - perhaps there is a god !

    Mind you, they are at least complaint out of date

    and here's their reply - ho hum

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    Please accept our apologies for the delay in replying. We know our
    correspondents appreciate a quick response and we are sorry you have had
    wait on this occasion.

    I note your concerns regarding the London News on 29 January. The brief
    headline sequence is just an illustrative snapshot and the reference to
    4x4s was purely illustrative as this is the group of vehicles that is
    generally accepted to be most affected by the proposals.

    As you are aware, further within the report it was explained that this
    chare affects a number of motorists.

    Across our output we covered this issue in considerable depth, for
    during the earlier national 'Six O'Clock News' bulletin by correspondent
    Hugh Pym. Three vehicles were used by way of example to demonstrate the
    possible effects of increased parking charges, all of which were normal
    family cars and not 4x4s: a Renault Espace; a Ford Fiesta; and a Citroen

    Later, we referred to an older 4x4 as another example of a vehicle that
    could see increased parking charges under Richmond's proposals, but our
    correspondent expanded on this by including other cars with high emissions
    or big engines. Hybrid and electric vehicles were also mentioned as their
    owners could benefit from reduced or even free parking permits.

    After interviewing a councillor from Richmond, Hugh Pym reported that the
    council admitted it's a highly controversial issue and that there would
    have to be extensive consultation.

    I trust this clarifies the level of detail in which this story was
    and that we clearly explained the point regarding the effect these
    proposals may have on family cars. We also reported the controversial
    nature of the issue and that extensive consultation was required.

    Please be assured that your comments have been fully registered on our
    daily audience log. This internal document will be made available to the
    BBC London News production team and Senior BBC Management.

    Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact us.


    Damian Whyte
    BBC Information
    ______________________________ ____________
    The BBC Trust wants to know what's important to you about your BBC. Want
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    -----Original Message-----
    {Country:} England

    {About:} General
    {Network:} BBC Regional Television

    {Regional Channel:} London

    {Programme Name:} !0:00pm News
    {Transmission Date:}29 - 01 - 07

    Dear sirs,

    I wish to complain about the way your reporters handle the issues of Gas
    Guzzlers - yet again you have DELIBERATELY targeted 4x4s (conveniently
    not mentioning other large engined vehicles).

    This particular instance was in the introduction to what will be covered
    by the local segment later on where a slightly more balanced view was

    I attach the email I sent to BBC London last night

    Subject: Yet again I am forced to complain about your BIASED reporting
    Date: 29 January 2007 22:27

    Dear sirs,

    WHEN will you be honest with your reporting ?

    You have just given the headline about higher parking charges for 4x4s
    when you actually should be referring to ALL larger engined vehicles.

    This is the 2nd time in a fortnight I have had to complain over your

    WHERE have the standards gone ? The standards that, at one time, meant
    that the BBC was a byword for impartiality, now it appears to be a
    organisation intent on stoking up prejudice against a group of people
    who have exercised their choice on what vehicle they want to buy - are
    you out to deny our right to choose ? or are you out to provoke criminal
    damage on our property ?

    I would remind you that in MANY cases 4x4 owners are at the forefront in
    running their vehicles on alternative fuels which result in their
    emissions being cleaner that normal cars.

    I would, yet again, draw your attention to this article on BBC Newswatch
    - and Simon Waldman's comments.

    If you have 1 shred of decency and integrity you will address this issue
    and reply.


    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #17
      it must be reply to complaints day. I've got my reply from my complaint against that t0553r Jeremy Vine!

      In fact it spookily near to your reply.

      blah blah, appreciate your annoyance, blah blah blah appreciate your concerns blah blah we will pass on your concerns to our production team.

      Do I think they will take a blind bit of notice? not bl00dy likley!
      Bring me the head of a treehugger


      • #18
        Originally posted by coolsv650
        it must be reply to complaints day. I've got my reply from my complaint against that t0553r Jeremy Vine!

        In fact it spookily near to your reply.

        blah blah, appreciate your annoyance, blah blah blah appreciate your concerns blah blah we will pass on your concerns to our production team.

        Do I think they will take a blind bit of notice? not bl00dy likley!
        I haven't had my reply to that yet - that's the next one in the list
        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

