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Anti 4X4 again

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  • Anti 4X4 again

    They are at it again


  • #2
    "They have very low miles to gallon because they're so large, compared with say sports cars," said co-founder of the group, David Rose.


    Outstanding piece of research - again......
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      Call me thick or perhaps I'm not seeing the point of their argument....but..if it's pollutants and emmisions they are solely concerned about, why target cars(4x4s) doing "short trips to the shops and school runs" - surely they should be targeting cars doing high miles - reps - haulage - family uk holidays - uk tour operators - taxis - anti 4x4 people driving miles to Bristol etc etc.
      Surely these vehicles are making more emmisions than a Range Rover covering 5 miles a week!!! - 4x4s may indeed be poor on fuel economy but that's not their argument - emmisions are.
      I can't wait till some tree hugging t0sser tries it on with me - then I can show them a copy of my last MOT emmisions reading - (a reading lower than the majority of new cars available today - thanks to veg.) before demonstrating the weight distribution of a 4x4 through the large surface area of a 4x4 tyre should not be enough to break tree huggers toes!!!
      Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by jaky cakes
        surely they should be targeting cars doing high miles
        Damn, that's me in the manure then
        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          Originally posted by UDTrev
          Damn, that's me in the manure then
          I'm also in that club!!!
          I've recently starting wearing bullet proof shoes!!!!
          Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

