Those who have watched the news may have noticed that the government have instructed the courts that only the most dangerous offenders should be sent to prison and all others should get community sentences. Well I work as a community punishment supervisor for the probation service and I can say that the latest plan is to ' farm out' community punishment to the voluntary sector which wou;d in effect mean that offenders are being supervised by untrained, unpaid supervisors who would be unprepared and no doubt unable to deal with a very difficult sector of society. Today out of a group of six I had to deal with one lad high on heroin another whoshome had been raided by the police ( whilst he was with me) and another who had 15+ charges pending and had not attended for his unpaid work for over three months. But the powers that be expect people who are used to working with volunteers, who turn up with a flask and sarnies each morning and 'wanting to work', should be able to cope with the guys I deal with on a day to day basis,AND FOR FREE!!!!!!!! Sorry guys but this government have lost the plot. So lock your doors.