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10,103km, 6 countries, 5 flat tyres and a buggered gearbox...

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  • 10,103km, 6 countries, 5 flat tyres and a buggered gearbox...

    ...we are back!

    As some of you may know, we went home for xmas (zimbabwe). Well going down was OK: Kenya>Tanzania>Zambia>Zimbabwe : no problems.

    Then we did a bit of touring round Zim, visited Botswana and with one week to go before we made the return trip, I lost 3rd and 4th gear! Don't know what happened but I just stopped at the lights one day and when I accelerated up - no 3rd - no 4th.

    Now everything shuts down in Zim over New Years and so wasn't able to go to a Toyota dealer but had to go to a "bush mechanic". So this monkey drops my gear box and tells me I need a new gear on 3/4th and new bearings top and bottom of the main shaft.

    So I trail into town with this piece of gear - not the separate bits as he didn't have a big enough gear puller - and I try to match the bits. Find an OE gear thingy but have to find nearest matches for one of the bearings - same measurements but different part no.

    Anyway, he puts it "all" together again and I take it for a spin - everything seems OK so we pay the guy and we are back on schedule to leave the next day.

    5.00am I am up, finish loading the car with beer, wife and child, and we are off! 50 miles out of town I lose 1st, 3rd and 5th. So I slow down, nurse it up to Vic Falls and take a gander underneath...everything looks OK, so I check fluid levels. I open the gear box plug and about 3 liters of oil spill out all over the road: the idiot had overfilled it. Problem solved I thought so we carrierd on to Lusaka.

    Just outside Vic Falls I lose 1st, 3rd and 5th again. I find that if I keep to 40mph in 4th after about half an hour I can get back into 5th. Can't get into 1st and so have to take off in second.

    Nurse the truck to Lusaka - find a good garage so that I can change fluids as maybe he put the wrong type in and also to check the transfer box as the monkey had done it up using a cold chisel and a 5lb hammer and had fukced all the bolt corners up so that I couldn't get a spanner on it.

    So, get the truck on a ramp and find that there are 5 bolts missing between the bell housing and the engine! Freakin idiot didn't tighten 'em up! So maybe that's the problem - clutch is not engaging properly. Find new bolts, replace gear and transfer oils, repair a flat tyre and put in new coolant...and set off for Malawi.

    20 miles out of town - same problem: everything is OK until the gear box gets hot and then I'm only left with 2nd and 4th gear. I can't stop again as we are out of time and money so I nurse the vehicle across some of the siht-iest roads in Africa, up lake Malawi, through Tanzania and up the coast to Mombasa. Here we break for two days before resuming our 40mph trek across East Africa!

    Total trip distance: 10,103km, but does anyone have any idea of what is going on inside my gearbox? Will I just have to strip it and replace everything that's worn? Answers on a postcard please...
    Last edited by bundubasher; 23 January 2007, 13:41. Reason: txt edit

  • #2
    you certainly had a eventful trip then Enzo but at least you and the family got home ok thats the main thing


    • #3
      We are all safe and sound and thats in part due to MattF's lights he gave us. WE had some really hairy night driving to do in TZ and they really helped out alot.

      Of course, my whinge is all about the bad bits of the trip but the good bits were amazingly good! Another whinge is "wheel changing": jacking up my 2900kg (fully laden) truck with a hi-lift copy is getting dangerous. The weight BENT the first hilift copy I had, so I got another "copy". This one goes up but keeps jamming coming down and the suddenly releases and comes down with a crash damn near scaring the bejeezus out off me!


      • #4
        Did well on the mileage though: 300 miles min on a full tank (60L) compared to 220 around town.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bundubasher
          Did well on the mileage though: 300 miles min on a full tank (60L) compared to 220 around town.
          thats good milage then.


          • #6
            Sounds like a good adventure- got any pics on the Bundu website yet?


            • #7
              Enzo, where you been Dude?

              Actually - we know where - blo0dy everywhere LOL

              Get some pics posted - your off road adventures put most of us to shame
              Another member of the 'A' team


              • #8
                Thanks lads - I'll write up our trip report (with pics) asap. The ol'Bundu website needs some serious updating which I will get round to...soon, I promise.

                We may not be out here much longer (have to come home and make some money for the campsite I want to develop in Zim - in time for the footy in 2010) so anyone need a labourer/builder/bricky this summer?

                I'll also need to buy a recon gear box - let's hope it fits in my hand luggage!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bundubasher
                  We may not be out here much longer (have to come home and make some money for the campsite I want to develop in Zim - in time for the footy in 2010) so anyone need a labourer/builder/bricky this summer?
                  No need for a builder, but I'll come and help you build the campsite.


                  • #10

                    But no work - no campsite! If we do get the money and the plot then you'll be welcome.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bundubasher

                      But no work - no campsite! If we do get the money and the plot then you'll be welcome.
                      Cool! It'll be like VSO except you don't have to have a PHD to do it......

                      Someone give the man a job, I wanna go build a campsite.


                      • #12
                        I know VSO types...Phd?

                        More like a Ph-d!ck!


                        • #13
                          Sounds like an epic trip home. No probs getting fuel in Zim? Off back home to visit the folks in March (Harare) but I'm taking the easy route. Driving sounds like a comedy alternative. Time and money needed, but I'll be after you for advice one day...! (Did wonder about the origins of "bundubasher" till I worked out where you were from!)


                          • #14
                            [QUOTE=heapy]No probs getting fuel in Zim? QUOTE]

                            No problems getting diesel in Bullies although there were LONG queues for petrol - sorry don't know about Bambazonke!

                            Epic trip? Nearly! Had originaly tried for a trans-africa but my wife caught me! It is expensive in Zim though - everything is pegged against the US$ so you'll need lots of forex.

                            We stayed at Hwange Safari Lodge, Sikumi Tree Lodge, Matopas Hill Lodge and Milibizi Resort - everything was first class/5 star but empty. Vic Falls was like a ghost town!

                            Gotta go, back soon...


                            • #15
                              Our house in Bulawayo is on the top plot (the one with the GPS co-ords). The one we want to buy and develop is the lower one.

