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Surf On Ebay

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  • #16
    It's quite normal for dogs to come in with terrible travel sickness. All this means is more washable covers go in the truck. As all the walks involve a journey in the car they soon get over it as they start assosiating the truck with a positive experiance.
    With all the dogs we've rehomed over the years, we've only had one go out that still suffered from travel sickness.
    Unfortuanately we've not had any success with any remedies, and the time one of our own dogs was given a seditive by the vet it actually made him hyper.
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


    • #17
      Originally posted by joker??
      owners look like there dogs springs to mind one on the right martin !!!
      Yeah they make good practice for the old hairdresser skills!
      Nil illegitimi carborundum


      • #18
        Keep the surf and stick the dog on fleabay.

        PS. does this mean your leaving us so soon?


        • #19
          I've really enjoyed my short time on here , quick and accurate replies are a real bonus compared to some of the other forums I frequent. I love the Surf , as the ad says , it can be parked overnight on anyones drive and it doesn't drip a single drop of fluid at all, that in itself is a miracle for a 13 yr old vehicle. It's faultless mechanically and I am sure it will give reliable motoring for many years to come. I have decided that if I dont get break even money on Ebay ,I'll keep it and soldier on with the Dog training / medicine to see if he grows into it. If I can sell it on at break even money or above, I'll continue taking him out in the van or the car until he reaches the point where he enjoys it and then buy another Surf, but second time round I'll buy one with all the best bits already done , eg , body / chassis lift ., nicer alloys and maybe an intercooler. I hope to stay in touch on the forum although I've not got out and met anyone yet , you all have made me feel at home far more than the others.
          Former owner of 94 Surf SSR-X 3.0 TD


          • #20
            Good luck with it. Try taking him out only when you are going to take him for a walk, he will come to associate travelling with pleasure. Might take a few months ut he'll get there in the end.
            Nil illegitimi carborundum


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ace Piker
              Good luck with it. Try taking him out only when you are going to take him for a walk, he will come to associate travelling with pleasure. Might take a few months ut he'll get there in the end.
              All the journeys he's ever made in it have been for his benefit, walks etc, he tolerates the outward journey as he is clean he is allowed on the seats , which he can just about accept, still frets and whines though, but on the way home from where ever we've been he is usually covered in mud , or has rolled over on a dead fish by the riverbank or something equally disgusting , so he has to go in the back. This is the bit he really hates and often works himself up so much he is sick. I've even tried taking him to visit friends and family and not getting him dirty so he can go back on the seats on the way home , but he still needs physically dragging into the Surf, strangely though he will get in my van of his own free will and lays down on the floor by the front bench seat. He seems calmer in the van , but maybe thats because we only do very short journeys in it.
              Former owner of 94 Surf SSR-X 3.0 TD


              • #22
                rob do you drive with the back window down a bit when the dog hurls? could be diesel fumes coming in.. made my pup ill a couple of times..
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Chillitt
                  rob do you drive with the back window down a bit when the dog hurls? could be diesel fumes coming in.. made my pup ill a couple of times..
                  Now there's a thought. My 2.4 use to smell distinctly smokey and there was a dirty great hole in the exhaust. Even with the window up, a hole that big would be enough to make you feel well dodgy if you were in the back.


                  • #24
                    No , I would never drive with it open , as I know it sucks in the fumes as you drive along, I wouldn't do that to the mother in law , let alone the Dog. Well maybe open a little bit for the M-i-L if she asked
                    Former owner of 94 Surf SSR-X 3.0 TD


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by RobOnBlackbird
                      No , I would never drive with it open , as I know it sucks in the fumes as you drive along, I wouldn't do that to the mother in law , let alone the Dog. Well maybe open a little bit for the M-i-L if she asked

                      why wait til she asked just open it anyway ....


                      • #26
                        I keep mine in the back, for their own and my safety. Maybe you should try putting him in the back on the outward journey. If he's food orientated (he's a spaniel after all) try tempting him with a treat. Honestly after a few months Jake started to get in, grudgingly at first, now he goes straight for the tailgate even if he's not on the lead!!!
                        Nil illegitimi carborundum


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by RobOnBlackbird
                          No , I would never drive with it open , as I know it sucks in the fumes as you drive along, I wouldn't do that to the mother in law , let alone the Dog. Well maybe open a little bit for the M-i-L if she asked

                          The fumes don't come into my truck any more!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by RobOnBlackbird
                            I've really enjoyed my short time on here , quick and accurate replies are a real bonus compared to some of the other forums I frequent.
                            Huh? Blimey!

                            Sad about the doggy, ours love it! so far as if I leave the back open while working during the day ours will be the back all day. Either asleep or looking longingly out the side windows wondering why the scenery isn't moving!
                            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by TonyN
                              Huh? Blimey!

                              Sad about the doggy, ours love it! so far as if I leave the back open while working during the day ours will be the back all day. Either asleep or looking longingly out the side windows wondering why the scenery isn't moving!
                              Are you sure they are'nt just hiding from the oil!!!
                              Nil illegitimi carborundum


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ace Piker
                                Are you sure they are'nt just hiding from the oil!!!

                                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

