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Next time call him a fat Bast%&$

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  • Next time call him a fat Bast%&$

    A man who racially abused a police surgeon was told by a judge yesterday: "Next time call him a fat Bast%&$ and don't say anything about his colour."

    Judge Paul Darlow described the decision to charge Matthew Stiddard, 36, with a racially aggravated offence as "nonsense".

    "At a time when we have an overstretched police force and an overstretched Crown Prosecution Service, one wonders why we are sitting here with long faces dealing with one sentence," he added.

    Exeter Crown Court heard that Stiddard was in the Hole in the Wall pub, Dawlish, Devon, when police entered looking for someone else.

    However Stiddard fitted the description of the man police were seeking and was asked to step outside. He became abusive and was detained.

    While in custody he asked to see a police doctor after complaining of back pains.

    Imraan Jhetam, the doctor who attended, was told by Stiddard: "F*** off you Paki, I want an English doctor, not a f***ing Paki." Judge Darlow remarked: "This was a single sentence to a man who should not have taken it so seriously.

    "He is a man of some considerable standing in society and I cannot see that it caused him any distress or hurt. It should not have caused a problem in this case.

    "To charge rather than let it go by with a caution strikes me as rather odd. We let people hit each other and break into people's homes and they are not charged."

    Ann Reddrop, prosecuting, said: "When there is a burglary and it is in the public interest there will be a prosecution. This was a police surgeon and he is entitled to the same protection as anyone else."

    The judge then stated: "So next time call him a fat Bast%&$ and don't say anything about his colour."

    Stiddard, of Dawlish, admitted causing racially aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress.

    Without hearing mitigation, Judge Darlow indicated his view on the seriousness of the offence by conditionally discharging Stiddard for two years and ordering him to pay £45 of the £150 costs.

  • #2
    Down here they can call our police surgeon a Polish Black B$$$$$D i know cause he lives right behind me and he is a B$$$$$d

    I can't understand why the police call them surgeons as they are doctors and if they were surgeons then you would call them Mr and not Dr


    • #3
      Originally posted by stormforce1067
      Down here they can call our police surgeon a Polish Black B$$$$$D i know cause he lives right behind me and he is a B$$$$$d
      i take it he still wont let you park the surf up the drive then richard.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vatchman
        i take it he still wont let you park the surf up the drive then richard.
        i got it in the garage at the mo without a turbo in it.Now i got the proof i needed he can't do anything about it.I'm waiting till i am back on my feet proper and then i'm knocking the garden wall down to put more off road parking in just to p1$$ him off even more


        • #5
          [QUOTE=Granville]A man who racially abused a police surgeon was told by a judge yesterday: "Next time call him a fat Bast%&$ and don't say anything about his colour."
          Judge Paul Darlow described the decision to charge Matthew Stiddard, 36,
          with a racially aggravated offence as "nonsense". [QUOTE]

          Now that's a rarity, a Judge with sense and a sense of humour.
          Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



          • #6
            hehe more judges are needed with this attitude
            Only Toyota can get you out of shite

