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Be aware !!

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  • Be aware !!

    Insurance companies may hold more than the Key to your Vehicle ........

    My daughter popped round today, frantic & distraught that she had received a VOSA letter & form, stongly suggesting a visit to our Local (Leighton Buzzard) Ministry testing station @ approx £36 for an Inspection........

    And the reason for this, about 3-4 weeks a go I gave her this Vehicle, I sent the V5 Documents to DVLA after the Vehicle passed an MOT & was insured & Taxed all was fine untill today !!!!!! (VOSA Letter)

    I rang DVLA to find out why this Vehicle was subject to an Inspection, a very nice Lady, explained it was reported as having been in a Accident in Nov 2006I assured her it never had as I was the previous Owner.

    She gave me the following info, Claim No, Insuance Co & Tel No, so I rang em.
    The long & short of it is they (NIG) Addmitted to me they had made a mistake or errors in entering Information on to their Database (Linked to DVLA) about a similar vehicle & hey PRESTO, DVLA now has our Vehicle Classified Unroadworthy....TOTAL LOSS
    Hence the letter & the need for the Inspection.

    I did ask (NIG) to put in writing the reason/s for entering this on DVLA database, "WRONGLY" this he assured me would be done & would be wiv me in a couple of days or so with an appology.

    I again rang DVLA who confirmed if this is the case (any alteration on their (NIG Database) would be reflected on the DVLA Database in about a week.

    Sorted at last I hop !!!!!!
    Hope this helps Somebody...................

    There's always a Payback .... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
    Buncefield Burner

  • #2
    You were lucky to get anything from VOSA Leighton Buzzard,

    Vosa told me this morning that I had to call Leighton Buzzard about an error on my MOT cert. and I've tried all day......just a recorded message to go to Vosa, Weedon!


    • #3
      after the new MOT's I got a letter becasue my V5 had a chassis digit missing they changed it for me after a form.
      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


      • #4
        Originally posted by dirtydog
        after the new MOT's I got a letter becasue my V5 had a chassis digit missing they changed it for me after a form.
        And it's all put down to HUMAN errer, err Error, no there then Tim
        Buncefield Burner


        • #5
          lol - always been like it I just never bothered to check it so closely... saying that I think it has another mistake :P
          Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


          • #6
            The worrying thing is Smurfer, Dirtydog that the total opposite may also be True !!!!
            How many Vehicles not fit to be on the Road actually are ???

            There's always a Payback .... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
            Buncefield Burner


            • #7
              Originally posted by Surferjess
              Insurance companies may hold more than the Key to your Vehicle ........

              My daughter popped round today, frantic & distraught that she had received a VOSA letter & form, stongly suggesting a visit to our Local (Leighton Buzzard) Ministry testing station @ approx £36 for an Inspection........

              And the reason for this, about 3-4 weeks a go I gave her this Vehicle, I sent the V5 Documents to DVLA after the Vehicle passed an MOT & was insured & Taxed all was fine untill today !!!!!! (VOSA Letter)

              I rang DVLA to find out why this Vehicle was subject to an Inspection, a very nice Lady, explained it was reported as having been in a Accident in Nov 2006I assured her it never had as I was the previous Owner.

              She gave me the following info, Claim No, Insuance Co & Tel No, so I rang em.
              The long & short of it is they (NIG) Addmitted to me they had made a mistake or errors in entering Information on to their Database (Linked to DVLA) about a similar vehicle & hey PRESTO, DVLA now has our Vehicle Classified Unroadworthy....TOTAL LOSS
              Hence the letter & the need for the Inspection.

              I did ask (NIG) to put in writing the reason/s for entering this on DVLA database, "WRONGLY" this he assured me would be done & would be wiv me in a couple of days or so with an appology.

              I again rang DVLA who confirmed if this is the case (any alteration on their (NIG Database) would be reflected on the DVLA Database in about a week.

              Sorted at last I hop !!!!!!
              Hope this helps Somebody...................

              There's always a Payback .... You just can't see it Comin !!!!

              I have had very nearly the same thing happen to me & strngley enough it involved NIG as well. I had a Honda Fireblade, after owning it for 3 years I took it for it's first computerised MOT. The mechanic entered the details on the PC & printed out the work form. Then said he'd never seen one like this before it had something along the lines of Subject to severe Insurance damage in the top right hand corner. It passed MOT so I rang DVLA who informed me it had been written off. They wouldn't tell me anything else on the phone so I had to write to them to find out it was my own insurance company NIG who had written it off. Many many phone calls later with NIG it turns out they should have written off C88 C** & DVLA had written off C86 C** Which explained why it didn't show up on the insurance MIAFTA database that Experian & HPI use, of which I had done both. In the end I must have spent over 20 hours trying to get it sorted but never succeeded as I could never get back to the same people in each organisation. I sold the bike on in the end, talling the new owner the problems before I did it, he said he was going to persue it but whether he did or not I don't know.



              • #8
                And the really scary thing is that they are going to make the DVLA database available to our European cousins so they can fine us for transgressions on the Continent. Expect the letters to come thick and fast

                My Pointer ate the dog trainer

