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Global warming....

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  • Global warming....

    ....on Mars.

    Here's some reaserch that has 'conveniently' been forgotten....


    There are no 4x4's on Mars- just one 6x6!!!!

    I'd like to see the eco-warriors link the melting ice caps on Mars (apparently they are melting at the same rate as the glaciers on earth) to CO2 and man's activity.......

  • #2
    Actually, the greens could say it was the 6x6's

    Coz there's two of em! Spirit and Opportunity.


    Absolutely deffo those blo0dy trucks wrecking the atmosphere.

    By the way, what caused the previous numerous ice ages (always followed by global warming to melt the ice) going back hundreds of thousands of years, if humans only walked out of Africa about 40,000 years ago???????????????????
    Another member of the 'A' team


    • #3
      Thats it its solar power!!!!
      If you look at the rate of increase in the number of salar panels on the surface of a planet, there is a direct correlation between this and the rate of melting of the ice caps!


      • #4
        Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo
        By the way, what caused the previous numerous ice ages (always followed by global warming to melt the ice) going back hundreds of thousands of years, if humans only walked out of Africa about 40,000 years ago???????????????????

        Flatulence caused by eating lots of dinosaurs and plants!


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo
          Actually, the greens could say it was the 6x6's

          Coz there's two of em! Spirit and Opportunity.


          Absolutely deffo those blo0dy trucks wrecking the atmosphere.

          By the way, what caused the previous numerous ice ages (always followed by global warming to melt the ice) going back hundreds of thousands of years, if humans only walked out of Africa about 40,000 years ago???????????????????
          Dinosaur Farts!
          Nil illegitimi carborundum


          • #6
            I have, or at least had, a friend who is totally into all this eco stuff. He sends group emails to everyone in his address book saying things like 'please, if you must have children, limit yourself to one' and other weird stuff.

            Anyway, that has made me think most of these campaigner types have mental health problems and a total lack of humility. Yes, humans pollute and yes, that's bad, but we are just part of a much bigger system and it is absurd to think that the fate of the planet lies in our hands. Geologists have been saying for years that we are in an ice age which is beginning to end. No amount of Priuses is going to change that.

            Don't get me wrong, I do care for the environment. I recycle, I cycle to work, I have a compost bin, I leave the lights off in empty rooms and keep my heating down etc etc, but the earth is going to warm up whatever we do and some people need to recognise that.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sancho
              I have, or at least had, a friend who is totally into all this eco stuff. He sends group emails to everyone in his address book saying things like 'please, if you must have children, limit yourself to one' and other weird stuff.

              Anyway, that has made me think most of these campaigner types have mental health problems and a total lack of humility. Yes, humans pollute and yes, that's bad, but we are just part of a much bigger system and it is absurd to think that the fate of the planet lies in our hands. Geologists have been saying for years that we are in an ice age which is beginning to end. No amount of Priuses is going to change that.

              Don't get me wrong, I do care for the environment. I recycle, I cycle to work, I have a compost bin, I leave the lights off in empty rooms and keep my heating down etc etc, but the earth is going to warm up whatever we do and some people need to recognise that.
              I quite agree i too do my bit and i have only ever flown once!! so i think i am well within my rights to drive a 4x4 so all i can say is 'screw you hippys!!!!'
              it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


              • #8
                i remember reading , a train from manchester to london with 200 pasengers would polute more that the 200 driving to london.
                i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by johnd
                  a train from manchester to london with 200 pasengers would polute more that the 200 driving to london.
                  if it ever arrived that is.
                  Onwards Binky

