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Daily Telegraph...

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  • Daily Telegraph...


    ...can't find out who to complain to yet at the Daily Telegraph about this sensationalist cr@p. When will they get it into their thick skulls that parking charges relate to EMMISSONS NOT TRANSMISSIONS!!!!!

    If anyone can spot an e-mail address let us all know.
    Last edited by laser_jock@work; 17 January 2007, 15:04.

  • #2
    Originally posted by laser_jock@work

    ...can't find out who to complain to yet at the Daily Telegraph about this sensationalist cr@p. When will they get it into their thick skulls that parking charges relate to EMMISSONS NOT TRANSMISSIONS!!!!!

    If anyone can spot an e-mail address let us all know.
    if you go to the home page and scroll to the bottom there is a contact us bit in the small print


    • #3
      I like this bit :

      "We fear this is just the start of a trend that will spread across the UK," said an AA spokesman. Damn right, good on you AA

      " In the end, the ripple effect from Richmond will turn into a tidal wave of unjustifiable charges that hits large families who need bigger vehicles to function and residents who are unfortunate enough to have to park on the road. You said it

      "Turning the schemes against many residents and punishing them for the type of vehicle they drive is a betrayal, particularly when the idea of imposing environmental charges on stationary cars with their engines off is simply illogical."

      Damn we should all hi-light all the hypocrisy and contradictions in these articles and send them back to the editors and politicians and councils involved.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        According to the website:

        "If you wish to contact someone featured within the paper, a journalist regarding an article or the Editor, please address a letter to them c/o the relevant desk, i.e. Travel, Features, News, etc., Telegraph Media Group, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT. A reply is not guaranteed in the event of an editorially related enquiry or comment."

        I suggest that a copy is sent to the Press Complaints Commission http://www.pcc.org.uk/complaints/process.html as well, on the basis of accuracy and fairness (targeting people whose possessions reflect their needs rather than their desires, such as S-Class drivers. What does an S-Class do that a Mondeo doesn't? I know what my Surf does that a Mondeo doesn't ...).


        • #5
          No-one'll do anything until they actually list the vehicles to be charged...

          Fact, the new MINI has higher CO2 emissions than my truck, so it'll get charged more... see where I'm going? (It's in the smallprint. People are just reading the 4 by 4 bit and ignoring it. They'll soon realise it's all CO2 grouped!!)


          • #6
            It shouldn't effect us Surf owners as the CO2 emissions taxation only applies to vehicles registered on or after 1st March 2001. It can't be applied to earlier vehicles as the motor manufacturers didn't have to log this information down. It wasn't a requirement....or something on those lines.



            • #7
              Reader relations e-mail address: readrel@telegraph.co.uk

              If you're feeling really contrary regarding the lack of e-mail contact information, use the postmaster address. That's a pre-requisite address on any mailserver regarding e-mail problems, of which lack of contact info is only a minor stretch of the context. If they can't be arsed to supply proper information, what other recourse is there. Besides, if they have a true BOFH, he'll make them suffer for it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by heapy
                (It's in the smallprint. People are just reading the 4 by 4 bit and ignoring it. They'll soon realise it's all CO2 grouped!!)

                That's the problem. They don't realise. You have to remember that probably 85% of the population are mindless sheep. You could convince them the moon was pink if it said so on the news or in the paper.


                • #9
                  Ho hum, guess I have just removed myself from the Editor's xmas card list - yep I moaned too.
                  Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                  • #10
                    It's not the financial implications that bother me - my Surf is pre-CO2 banding anyway.

                    It's the attitude stirred-up by these headlines amongst certain sections of society that bothers me. Wh is responsible? The journalists and editorial staff, and they should be brought to book.

