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    Due to a combination of events, my wife had the Surf for the day yesterday , while I downgraded to the TVR. I emerged from a cocoon in Chineham Business Park in Basingstoke at 5:50 and was a bit startled to find the TVR (clean only an hour or so earlier) inch deep in snow.

    Two and a half hours later I've done about 4 miles and am stuck in a queue on the B3400 nearly Oakley Hall. The wife, in the Surf, left Woking about the same time as me and was in the same traffic queue about 200yds behind!! She decides that the call of the bladder is too strong and U-turns, heading for a local pub. (The queue incidentally was due to a car attempting to attack a steep hill in fourth and only making it halfway, followed later by a lorry coming the other way down the hill and having to stop suddenly, blocking the rest of the road!)

    In the TVR (on 18" 255's), I have to wait another 20 mins to get to a point where I (struggle to) turn the car round, and join her in the pub!

    We left it a bit for everyone to sort themselves out (had a nice steak and chips) and then hopped into the Surf which I drove through the empty back roads to home. After the madness of trying to tease the TVR to move at 3 mph without spinning, the Surf was an absolute dream.

    Surf's Rule!!
    Paul L


  • #2
    Originally posted by PaulL
    Due to a combination of events, my wife had the Surf for the day yesterday , while I downgraded to the TVR. I emerged from a cocoon in Chineham Business Park in Basingstoke at 5:50 and was a bit startled to find the TVR (clean only an hour or so earlier) inch deep in snow.

    Two and a half hours later I've done about 4 miles and am stuck in a queue on the B3400 nearly Oakley Hall. The wife, in the Surf, left Woking about the same time as me and was in the same traffic queue about 200yds behind!! She decides that the call of the bladder is too strong and U-turns, heading for a local pub. (The queue incidentally was due to a car attempting to attack a steep hill in fourth and only making it halfway, followed later by a lorry coming the other way down the hill and having to stop suddenly, blocking the rest of the road!)

    In the TVR (on 18" 255's), I have to wait another 20 mins to get to a point where I (struggle to) turn the car round, and join her in the pub!

    We left it a bit for everyone to sort themselves out (had a nice steak and chips) and then hopped into the Surf which I drove through the empty back roads to home. After the madness of trying to tease the TVR to move at 3 mph without spinning, the Surf was an absolute dream.

    Surf's Rule!!
    If your fed up with the TVR that mch give it to ME I'll look after it for you
    If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


    • #3
      Originally posted by sumo
      If your fed up with the TVR that mch give it to ME I'll look after it for you

      Only on snowy days!

      Horses for courses an' all that. I am probably going to have to sell it in due course, though - it represents a sizable deposit in the house-hunting game.
      Paul L


