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Closest to Scotland

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  • Closest to Scotland

    After my trip to Aberdeen(3.5 hours) last year for some off road action, i was wondering where the closest place in England is to me that have a Surf meet / pat and play.

    Newcastle,Cumbria?? Geography not to good

    www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

  • #2
    no point asking anyone english... they all think scotland's tiny... i get asked daft questions like "do you know my dads mate jock?"

    as soon as you're over the border you're in Edinburgh, then Glasgow's 5 mins away then another 20 mins drive to inverness!!

    and get asked if i know really obscure small villages on the coast that their neighbour went on holiday!!..

    try NE4x4 (think they've changed their name though!!)

    there's gotta be some good places in cumbria, but it's mostly national park, so you're bound to get a telling off whatever you do!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      This any good to you? - http://scottishoffroadclub.co.uk/joomla/

      or any others on here? - http://www.4x4-clubs.co.uk/#clublocal

      or - http://www.nor-trak.com/mainweb/
      Last edited by nero279; 16 January 2007, 01:22.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        Cheers i'll check those out.Just wondering if there was any Surf events kind of close by (within a 4 hr drive)

        Maybe i'll organise one up here and everyone can come to Scotland!!

        I've been to nortrak,that was the 3.5hr journey i went on.
        www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


        • #5
          Do you know Jock? he's me mates dad. Can you really drive for 3.5 hours in Scotland without falling off the edge? or did you get lost?

          Sorry, i'll stop taking the $$$$ now, my scottish geography really is as bad as what matt said! Sorry
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #6
            Here ya go Smiffy check these out www.scotoffroad.co.uk
            Lots of info all over Scotland www.goballistic.co.uk
            Happy Hunting............

            There's always a Payback .... You just don't see it emerging !!!!
            Buncefield Burner

