Bugg@r - just managed to break my garage door opening mechansim. tried to close door onto wheelie bin (which blew into exactly wrong place at exactly wrong time)
It's a Wessex door with top spring tensioned cone drums and cable type. the cable has jumped off one of the cone winders and got itself all jammed up in the spring. HAve managed to removed cable which is still in one piece. anybody know the best way to refitted cable without garotting body parts / loosing eyes?
I have looked at their website
- but it is purely a sales / brochure ordering site with no technical info.

It's a Wessex door with top spring tensioned cone drums and cable type. the cable has jumped off one of the cone winders and got itself all jammed up in the spring. HAve managed to removed cable which is still in one piece. anybody know the best way to refitted cable without garotting body parts / loosing eyes?
I have looked at their website
