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urgent advice req, electrical (not surf)

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  • urgent advice req, electrical (not surf)

    Can any electrictions advise me please, i'm rewireing the lighting circuit and have just bought some new switch cable, the old stuff is red. blue. & yellow,
    (no earth) the new one is brown. black. grey & earth, which goes to which???

    I'm guessing its brown to red, black to blue, and grey to yellow, i'm connecting new to old as a tempory thing till i can get some more floor up, and we can have the light's on tonight Thanks Ian
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2

    Or just make sure you wire up the same colour at both ends......


    • #3
      Thanks for the link Sancho, afraid it's all double dutch to me, think i'll go with your idea and connect em up brown-red, black-blue, grey-yellow and make sure i make a note of it so i can connect the same colours up the other end,

      Why do they have to change stuff? is this europe again
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        sure is, european compliance. but as your not supposed to be doing your own wiring at home unless your 16th edition.....

        TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



        • #5
          brown-red, black-blue, grey-yellow

          That's the best way to do it. It doesn't actually matter which colour goes where as such, it's merely so anyone who may work on the circuit later knows what's what, without having to backtrace. On the earth connection wires, slip some green/yellow earth sleeving over the ends to remove all doubt, if it makes you feel any better, but the brown|red and black|blue are the respective standard colours for positive and negative anyhow.


          • #6
            Originally posted by andrewlee31
            sure is, european compliance. but as your not supposed to be doing your own wiring at home unless your 16th edition.....
            Unless they've changed the rules on that too, it was never actually illegal to do your own wiring even with bugger all qualification, as long as the work would pass the Electricity Board inspection and was done in accordance with the regs. Or have they changed that as well, now?


            • #7
              OK! it works, done it in those respetive colours Matt, plugged in the fuses at arms lenght and a finger in my ear and NO BANG
              Weather or not i'm allowed to do it myself i'm buggered if i'm gonna pay hundreds of £££ for a real electriction to do what i did and give me a bit of paper,

              So brown's the new red!!! brown surf anyone???? It was a brown stain last time i switched on, connected blue to red on the ring (in a rush)
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                Originally posted by ian619
                OK! it works, done it in those respetive colours Matt, plugged in the fuses at arms lenght and a finger in my ear and NO BANG
                Sorted then. Nice one.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by andrewlee31
                  sure is, european compliance. but as your not supposed to be doing your own wiring at home unless your 16th edition.....

                  Thought it was only the kitchen or garden that you need to hurl loads of cash at someone who is no better than anyone else but has a peice of paper to his name?
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    Rules changed Jan 1st 2005 with part P building regs.
                    You can carry out "minor works" such as changing a damaged or old socket or light provided as Tony says it's not in a room containing a sink or bath or outdoors.
                    You can also add to an existing circuit but not provide an extra circuit,
                    load of b0££0cks really, supposed to bring us into line with Europe but we've been miles in front of them for eons.
                    If you think thats complicated you should try working on 3 phase gear where the colours were red , yellow, blue phases and black neutral.
                    Now when you have to wire a new circuit into an old system you are connecting ryb to brown black grey and blue is then neutral
                    Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



                    • #11
                      something else to pi$$ the electricians off even more the 17th edition is coming out soon so they will all have to sit another exam to comply with regs.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vatchman
                        something else to pi$$ the electricians off even more the 17th edition is coming out soon so they will all have to sit another exam to comply with regs.

                        New edition comes out every couple of years mate, just adds another supplement to the ever increasing regs book.
                        Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



                        • #13
                          edit: d'urr i read the question wrong!
                          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by paulh
                            Rules changed Jan 1st 2005 with part P building regs.
                            You can carry out "minor works" such as changing a damaged or old socket or light provided as Tony says it's not in a room containing a sink or bath or outdoors.
                            You can also add to an existing circuit but not provide an extra circuit,
                            load of b0££0cks really, supposed to bring us into line with Europe but we've been miles in front of them for eons.
                            If you think thats complicated you should try working on 3 phase gear where the colours were red , yellow, blue phases and black neutral.
                            Now when you have to wire a new circuit into an old system you are connecting ryb to brown black grey and blue is then neutral
                            That's worrying enough....but not lethal, lots of European wiring is downright Dangerous & Lethal !!!!

                            There's always a Payback .... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                            Buncefield Burner

