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$%^&!""£ !

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  • $%^&!""£ !

    Some **** set fire to some rubbish that was fly tipped next my garage at the end of the garden . Lucky Tam saw the flames over the 8ft fence and I got the hose on it from behind the fence . It was fuelled by aerosol cans which exploded and spreed the fire .
    Thankfully the firebrigade got there in 10 mins and tackeled the fire direct from the front .
    The firebrigade said I was lucky I kept the hose on the back of the fence and garage wall or the garage would have definatly gone . I would have lost my Lotus and Tams Herald (which is the only 1 insured) and all my tools , spares etc .
    Neighbours whose land the rubbish was on did not seem bothered !!! 1 just watched out his window as HIS fence burnt down . No dought he will just leave the damage there.
    I needed to sell this house before this happened , now even more so !
    Now delayed me putting on the market as I will now need to replace my section of fence and see if the garage wall can be cleaned of soot/burning.
    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Vagrant No2
    Some **** set fire to some rubbish that was fly tipped next my garage at the end of the garden . Lucky Tam saw the flames over the 8ft fence and I got the hose on it from behind the fence . It was fuelled by aerosol cans which exploded and spreed the fire .
    Thankfully the firebrigade got there in 10 mins and tackeled the fire direct from the front .
    The firebrigade said I was lucky I kept the hose on the back of the fence and garage wall or the garage would have definatly gone . I would have lost my Lotus and Tams Herald (which is the only 1 insured) and all my tools , spares etc .
    Neighbours whose land the rubbish was on did not seem bothered !!! 1 just watched out his window as HIS fence burnt down . No dought he will just leave the damage there.
    I needed to sell this house before this happened , now even more so !
    Now delayed me putting on the market as I will now need to replace my section of fence and see if the garage wall can be cleaned of soot/burning.
    Jet wast the garage wall and use the cheapest 6' pannelsyou can find


    • #3
      Originally posted by Woodzie
      Jet wast the garage wall and use the cheapest 6' pannelsyou can find
      with ian on this one

      apart from hes spelling
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #4
        it's the worst living surrounded by scum bags that do this sort of sh1te!
        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


        • #5
          Before they destoyed the lovely house next door and converted it to flats which are sh!te built there was a garage next to mine so all was safe(r) . They tore down the garage and left the space as a carpark . I had to insist they put a fence there as they were goihg to leave it as my garage wall as the edge of the property (*ankers!) . They put up a 4ft board fence so I raised it my self to 8ft to secure the property , but still had my shed robbed by pikeys. If I had not built up the height of the fence the fire would have gone in under the roof of garage . I threw out a load of new fence boards when I started to clear out ready to move . Now got to buy some and replace them my self . Insurance excess will be more then the cost of doing it myself , plus I want it done now not 6 months after the Insurance decide to payout .
          Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


          • #6
            get it done sharpish, sell up and get out of there asap! the stress of that sort of nonsense can age you ridiculous. before you know it you'll be posing in silly shorts and posting pics of yourself on the net.


            you've obviously lived there a while then mate!
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #7
              i know what you mean i have a 205 gti (the car i had before my surf) the axle seized on it so has been offroad behind my dads garage untill i got some cash together to fix it. Then some pikey w**kers put a brick through the drivers window and knicked my speakers !!cos i dont go round my dad too often and he was away did not notice for a week so it was wet as f**k !! Soo good old dad taped up the window just for some tw** to pull it off and to go through it again! ended up with a 'its all been knicked dont waste you time' sticker in the window! Now i have just found out that some one has smashed the windscreen! So now its going to get s$$$$ped as i cant affford to get back on the road and make any profit selling it!

              Oh i told the coppers who have not really done much, i know they have lot of other more important crimes to deal with but this is the 3rd car i have had broken into there and about the 8th i know off! And the sad fact is that if i caught the little wan**rs at it and gave them a hiding to remember them it would be me that ends up in court in the sh*t!! i love this country screw over the good hard working people and give the lazy scum fu**ers everything they want! (rant over thanks for listening)
              it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


              • #8
                Originally posted by drunkmonkeyboy
                And the sad fact is that if i caught the little wan**rs at it and gave them a hiding to remember them it would be me that ends up in court in the sh*t!! i love this country screw over the good hard working people and give the lazy scum fu**ers everything they want! (rant over thanks for listening)
                been there and done that! but i'd do it again in a flash, especially if it was my surf. they broke into my little bro's nova and we caught them! long story short, the scumbags always get away with this sh1te!

                what really get's me seeing the red mist is when you call the plod because mikey pikey and andy asbo are causing grief outside your home, the rozzas turn up and next thing you know the cops are having a laugh and a joke with the little gobsh!tes.

                and before anyone says the coppers have a tough job, i know they do, but i want to see these losers getting a rollocking at least, not the "i'm your best mate" approach, because that does nothing but make us law abiding MUGS...errr....i mean.....citizens lose the last bit of hope we got left!
                i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                • #9

                  Spent the morning rebuilding part of the fence which is mine but in neighbours carparking bays where the fire was started . Went and bought the longest fence boards I could and replaced the burn ones , fence is now 9ft high . The remaining rubbish had been removed by someone during Friday when I was at work .
                  Again , the tw*t next door who owns the parking bay just watched out his window as I did the work .
                  The neighbour on the other side of us came to see me and said the tw*t was not bothered about the fire as he does not use the parking bay or the garden behind it . Typical of him .
                  There was another pile of rubbish and an old fence opposite my garage that is from the rented house behind us . It has been there since October . So I kicked open the rear gate and threw the lot into the back garden , leaving the gate jammed open with the cr*p . Dont want any sh!t near my place anymore .
                  Cost of fencing £15 + 1/2 box of screws . Time spent 3.5 hours . I want to send a bill to next door to pay for my time and the fence , but Tam says no . What do you lot think ?
                  Fire was started on next doors land by rubbish on their land . Why should I have to loose out .
                  Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vagrant No2
                    Spent the morning rebuilding part of the fence which is mine but in neighbours carparking bays where the fire was started . Went and bought the longest fence boards I could and replaced the burn ones , fence is now 9ft high . The remaining rubbish had been removed by someone during Friday when I was at work .
                    Again , the tw*t next door who owns the parking bay just watched out his window as I did the work .
                    The neighbour on the other side of us came to see me and said the tw*t was not bothered about the fire as he does not use the parking bay or the garden behind it . Typical of him .
                    There was another pile of rubbish and an old fence opposite my garage that is from the rented house behind us . It has been there since October . So I kicked open the rear gate and threw the lot into the back garden , leaving the gate jammed open with the cr*p . Dont want any sh!t near my place anymore .
                    Cost of fencing £15 + 1/2 box of screws . Time spent 3.5 hours . I want to send a bill to next door to pay for my time and the fence , but Tam says no . What do you lot think ?
                    Fire was started on next doors land by rubbish on their land . Why should I have to loose out .

                    If damage was caused to your property, by a fire that started on someone elses property involving their property (rubbish) then I would definitely send him a bill. Especially as the tozzer just watched you fix all the damage and didn't even offer to help.


                    • #11
                      i'm lucky, i live in a really nice and quiet area... but Mrs Slug lives in the armpit of Bracknell!!... the Mini moto's stopped after i pushed No. 69 off his and chucked it in the bushes.
                      there's hoodies like you'd never know!... i never thought i'd feel uneasy walking to the shop, but you're always wary that you're gonna have to turn and give out a few slaps!

                      i'm used to traditional fighting where you win or lose and that's the end of it... no knives, guns... just punch, kick, windmill then wrestle... then you either wake up next day with a sore face and a good story... or you win and still have a good story.

                      i'm quite lucky around here that i know most people so don't get much trouble... but somehow (mainly down to my mate, and i tried to run a bloke over once) i got a reputation of being a bit of a loony.
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

