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The Festive Season Draws To A Close

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  • The Festive Season Draws To A Close

    Seeing as some of us went back to work on the 29th and worked 7 straight 12 hr night shifts, I thought I would give myself a treat. I am 2/3 of the way down a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and tucking into a nice chunk of brie, which is at room temperature and has a use by date of 26th of December, so it is nice and ripe. I am about to start on the Stilton which has a "use by 27th of December" or you die label. If I survive that there is some Danish Blue with a use by date of 28 Dec. Luvverly!

    Cheers and Happy New Year.

    PS I know said Happy New Year from work on the night but I am in a better mood now. Hic!
    It's only a hobby!

  • #2
    i know how your feeling was working days week after crimbo and started nights new years day! so am still stuck here for another 2 1/2 nights!!! just set up for some rtas and the two young girls died!!! not all good working in hospitals! (i work in operating theatres). hopfully the rest of the night/s will be a bit nicer!

    glad your having a better time now though!! keep up the good work for all of us that are still working
    Last edited by drunkmonkeyboy; 6 January 2007, 02:46.
    it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4

