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Tucked up in bed

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  • Tucked up in bed

    Suppose your all tucked up in bed
    Me, i am so excited i cant sleep, oh yes not supposed to be asleep i am at work
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off

  • #2
    Originally posted by Koi
    Suppose your all tucked up in bed
    Me, i am so excited i cant sleep, oh yes not supposed to be asleep i am at work

    Oh dear, well at least you have good reason to be up and about, me....... I am just a poor sleeper and "spring" out of bed at 6 AM 7 days a week.

    I used to have a surf me!


    • #3

      been laying in me pit for a couple of hour thinking , "I need tea" so here I am tea,,,,biccies,,, fags,,,disgusting habit,,,,,,, drinking tea,,,,,,anyway have a merry christmas everyone,,,


      • #4
        Originally posted by gillcover
        been laying in me pit for a couple of hour thinking , "I need tea" so here I am tea,,,,biccies,,, fags,,,disgusting habit,,,,,,, drinking tea,,,,,,anyway have a merry christmas everyone,,,
        Youre right, those biccies really are a disgusting habit. I managed to give them up years ago. I just do the good things now like Tea and Fags, and coffee and fags.
        Try to keep away from those biccies, youll feel better for it.

        Merry Xmas

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