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  • #16
    Wait till tommorrow morn when his 'flock' are all inside the church . Baracade the doors and burn the lot down .

    Oh , by the way . Happy Christmas .
    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


    • #17
      Jesus Christ
      Fox Hunting is Dangerous


      • #18
        Originally posted by Vagrant No2
        Wait till tommorrow morn when his 'flock' are all inside the church . Baracade the doors and burn the lot down .

        Oh , by the way . Happy Christmas .
        Typical bl00dy insurance salesman!
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #19
          hey, you need the help of a certain young man! think he lives next door to me actually!
          i swear, it was like that when i got here...


          • #20
            and peace shall rain all over the earth, goodwill to all men.....unless you wear a dog collar and are a pain in the .....
            How about taking a boom box into the morning service to-morrow and letting him and all the others hear what you like...how about 'I am the anti Christ'
            Did I mention I have a BLUE one


            • #21
              play this!
              i swear, it was like that when i got here...


              • #22
                Well I must say I'm taken aback, even overwhelmed by the support from you guys!!
                I was in two minds on wether to ask for advice in fear of being slated as some sort of killjoy heathen.

                I did admittedly have some fun last year - when he first re-started playing his bells at service time (re-started -as they had been turned off years ago as people complained then about them going off at non service times!!!!)
                It was a saturday evening mass - and the bells continued for over half a hour.
                As i was rudely awaken from my slumber, again, (been on nightshift) I changed my anger into neighbourly concern, and rang 999.
                I told the operator I thought the vicar was in mortal danger / under duress / had fallen and hurt himself - as the bells had been playing for so long. I thought he was trying to signal for help.
                I can imagine his face when four police officers turned up (blues and twos) in the church car park and burst into his service to assist!!! hehehehehehe.

                I think I will wait until after xmas day then complain officially as the bells go off every day at 09.55hrs regardless of if there is a service or not.
                I have been tempted to burn tyres in my garden when summer weddings are on but do not want to offend the happy couple -just annoy the kiddie fiddleing (allegedly) to$$er.

                It's strange how so many great wars are started by religion!!
                Last edited by jaky cakes; 24 December 2006, 21:32.
                Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

