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  • Diiiiiiiiiiitch

    just put my surf in a ditch on the way home from work - spun a few times on some ice and ended up front first in a ditch, have badly damaged the passenger wing including breaking the "gay" end wing mirror and side indicator - checked on Roughtrax and they want 13.50 for the little blighter, any idea if it's the same as on any other vehicle so i can try a s$$$$eyard and save a few xmas pennies, have to say i managed to reverse out once in 4 wheel drive and the way i hit a tree i was expecting far more damage so thumbs up to the surf
    Fox Hunting is Dangerous

  • #2
    Originally posted by Bunkle
    just put my surf in a ditch on the way home from work - spun a few times on some ice and ended up front first in a ditch, have badly damaged the passenger wing including breaking the "gay" end wing mirror and side indicator - checked on Roughtrax and they want 13.50 for the little blighter, any idea if it's the same as on any other vehicle so i can try a s$$$$eyard and save a few xmas pennies, have to say i managed to reverse out once in 4 wheel drive and the way i hit a tree i was expecting far more damage so thumbs up to the surf
    Forget about the "gay" little mirror and save all the pennies associated with it. Thats what Id be doing. Lets face it, how useful is it? How often do you use it? If I could be bothered Id have mine off and the hole filled/painted. If youre getting a new wing, youve got the perfect excuse.

    Сви можемо


    • #3
      I think he was on about the side indicator!!!
      It just does, OK?


      • #4
        I was on about the indicator / repeater, must admit after reading it back i hope everyone realises what i meant, the poor grammer must be down to shock, mind you the rum is helping. Have been thinking on the bright side, now the wing is battered at least it won't matter if i mess up an attempt at a snorkel !
        Fox Hunting is Dangerous


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bunkle
          Have been thinking on the bright side, now the wing is battered at least it won't matter if i mess up an attempt at a snorkel !
          That's the spirit.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bunkle
            I was on about the indicator / repeater, must admit after reading it back i hope everyone realises what i meant, the poor grammer must be down to shock, mind you the rum is helping. Have been thinking on the bright side, now the wing is battered at least it won't matter if i mess up an attempt at a snorkel !
            Whats it to be a safari or a home made one


            • #7
              and....... is it legal to bung some sort of swiveling spotlight in the hole where the mirror was on the wing, bit like you see them on american police cars, just thinking it's right near a battery so easy to wire...... blimey this ditch may have done me a favour !!
              Fox Hunting is Dangerous


              • #8
                Originally posted by Woodzie
                Whats it to be a safari or a home made one
                depends on the price of the side indicator !! - nah, i reckon i'm going to try and make one up
                Fox Hunting is Dangerous


                • #9
                  Shame about the little 'mis-hap', but glad you're ok... And, like you said... Ideal time for a snorkel!!!
                  It just does, OK?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bunkle
                    depends on the price of the side indicator !! - nah, i reckon i'm going to try and make one up
                    Mine cost me about £70 all together and the most expensive part was the safari head at $55.00 Au


                    • #11
                      mmm - did you make it yourself, i remember reading a thread about a homemade one, was that yours ?, all joking aside thanks for cheering me up chaps, i have a feeling when i see the real damage in daylight rather than by torchlight my bravado may fail me, it's gonna hurt seeing my pride and joy all bruised
                      Fox Hunting is Dangerous


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bunkle
                        it's gonna hurt seeing my pride and joy all bruised
                        I trashed part of my drivers wing two years ago - never bothered getting it fixed and wear the scars with pride.

                        Leave it in the 'as wounded' state and the next time someone cuts you up, well the rest is up to you....come on, you know you want to
                        Another member of the 'A' team


                        • #13
                          good point - i'm going for the bruised but ard look
                          Fox Hunting is Dangerous


                          • #14
                            You can have one of my side repeaters if you want, I'm replacing them with LED types.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                              You can have one of my side repeaters if you want, I'm replacing them with LED types.
                              Hi Vince,

                              Is that a blatant link to your other thread
                              Another member of the 'A' team

