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FAO Chillitt

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  • FAO Chillitt

    Just wanted to say a big thanks for the incredibly generous offer of a back door.

    As you may have seen I actually found a different 3.0Ltr Surf from a guy in Preston this one has no problems (famous last words!)- so I won't be needing it.

    Again thanks for the offer though - it was much appreciated.

  • #2
    Originally posted by murphcbr6
    Just wanted to say a big thanks for the incredibly generous offer of a back door.

    As you may have seen I actually found a different 3.0Ltr Surf from a guy in Preston this one has no problems (famous last words!)- so I won't be needing it.

    Again thanks for the offer though - it was much appreciated.
    You will find that Chillit is an incredibly geneorous person. Over the past two years on this forum him Ive seen him very generously releive all kinds of people of all kinds of stuff. His kindness is legendary in that respect.

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    • #3
      i am a fool to myself, sometimes...
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        now, where was i sending that a bar....??
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          OOPS, someday I,ll open my mouth and do something other than change feet.
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