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Idiot of the day

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  • Idiot of the day

    Now we've all done the park the car in neutral with the handbrake off, and chase the car act, today I thought I'd go one better.
    Instead of putting it into park, and jumping out to lock the gates, I hit reverse! Now you'd think that the beeping would give it away, or the fact that the drivers door had just hit me when I jumped out. No it was only when it started heading towards my neighbours garage, with all the dogs lined up looking out the back window that I caught on what I'd done. Thankfully I caught her in time, I don't think you're supposed to go straight from reverse to park without braking, but she's showing no adverse effects from my stupidity. The worse thing is tonight I'm doing a night shift at a chemical site, should the south coast be worried!!
    Anyway thought I'd let you all have a laugh at my expense, and remember when you leave the car, don't leave it in gear!!!!
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

  • #2
    Originally posted by Maverick
    Now we've all done the park the car in neutral with the handbrake off, and chase the car act, today I thought I'd go one better.
    Instead of putting it into park, and jumping out to lock the gates, I hit reverse! Now you'd think that the beeping would give it away, or the fact that the drivers door had just hit me when I jumped out. No it was only when it started heading towards my neighbours garage, with all the dogs lined up looking out the back window that I caught on what I'd done. Thankfully I caught her in time, I don't think you're supposed to go straight from reverse to park without braking, but she's showing no adverse effects from my stupidity. The worse thing is tonight I'm doing a night shift at a chemical site, should the south coast be worried!!
    Anyway thought I'd let you all have a laugh at my expense, and remember when you leave the car, don't leave it in gear!!!!
    not saying a thing lol
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #3
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #4
        That was excellent logey, I'm sitting here with tears rolling of laughter rolling down my face. I could remember the fence fun but not the others, brightened my (long) day.
        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


        • #5
          I had the Buick charge forward when i turned the key, it was in drive and not park, their not supposed to do that, i nearly $hit my self,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            Back in my younger days I had an Opel Manta mk1 auto, it developed a dodgey starter motor and a mechanic mate of mine showed me how to start it by shorting out the terminals across the starter with a large screw driver.
            Anyway I had been using this method whenever the starter didn't turn.
            One staurday mornig I eas a bit hung over and stalled the car at a crossroads, tried to start it again and got the usual nothing.
            So I jumped out and lifted the bonnet and started the engine, only then realizing that the reason it wouldn't start in the first place was coz it was stil in drive!
            The car took off on auto-choke acroo the junction with me trying to enter through the drivers window dukes of hazard style.
            Luckily no traffic about and I got away with it, but my heart needed a jump start I can tell you!

            Still working for the man!


            • #7
              i got my shoelace stuck round the pedal once and rolled out in front of the police!...

              they checked what we were smoking and let us on our way!
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #8


                • #9
                  I managed to spin my MR2 through 180 degrees without hitting anything or any other car on the busy exit of a dual carriageway roundabout. I found myself staring down the radiator grille of a Royal Mail van with the driver looking rather amusedly at my predicament. (Stationary, pointing the wrong way on a busy dual carriageway.
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    I was ragging an old volvo down what appeared to be a nice long almost dead straight country road in the wet, only wide enough to pass slowly. Someone was doing the same coming the other way, and we both saw each other at opposite ends of a big dip, both slammed on brakes and locked up but with a lot of struggling to brake then release and steer the car and brake again we stopped bumper to bumper right in the bottom of the dip about a foot between us when we stopped, we both got out where we were leaving the cars in the middle of the road nose to nose, stopped for a cigarette and a laugh at us both having exactly the same idea at the same time on the same day, calmed the jitters and got back in our respective cars and backed up a bit so we could pass each other.
                    =SOLD UP!=


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nero279
                      I was ragging an old volvo down what appeared to be a nice long almost dead straight country road in the wet, only wide enough to pass slowly. Someone was doing the same coming the other way, and we both saw each other at opposite ends of a big dip, both slammed on brakes and locked up but with a lot of struggling to brake then release and steer the car and brake again we stopped bumper to bumper right in the bottom of the dip about a foot between us when we stopped, we both got out where we were leaving the cars in the middle of the road nose to nose, stopped for a cigarette and a laugh at us both having exactly the same idea at the same time on the same day, calmed the jitters and got back in our respective cars and backed up a bit so we could pass each other.

                      Are you sure you weren't just driving towards a huge mirror?


                      • #12
                        No, i mean yeah, i dunno, no definately not, he was driving a different car.

                        You had me thinking for a minute there though
                        =SOLD UP!=


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Apache
                          I managed to spin my MR2 through 180 degrees without hitting anything or any other car on the busy exit of a dual carriageway roundabout. I found myself staring down the radiator grille of a Royal Mail van with the driver looking rather amusedly at my predicament. (Stationary, pointing the wrong way on a busy dual carriageway.

                          One of my best mates done the same on a motorway in his mr2 but spun around twice without hitting anything he took a sigh of relief before looking up the motorway and saw a LORRY just before it rear-ended him.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bell end billy
                            One of my best mates done the same on a motorway in his mr2 but spun around twice without hitting anything he took a sigh of relief before looking up the motorway and saw a LORRY just before it rear-ended him.
                            Not sure how you'd manage it in a straight line, but they were a bit tail happy if you were overenthusiatic with the loud pedal in a turn and the tarmac was a bit slippy.

                            My mate had an import turbo, and my Mk1 with half the power could do twisty roads quicker! God I loved that car!

                            When you think, Toyota have made some cracking cars haven't they? I had a Mk1 MR2 and a GT4 and they were both terrific. The only other cars that have come close for me have been my Alfa 145 Cloverleaf, and my CRX VTEC (mental!)

                            And of course, now I have another Toyota...
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world

