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Surf Wives Club

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  • Surf Wives Club

    Whilst the boys were chatting about cars at the Midlands Curry Night it seems the ladies were making their own plans.

    This is especially for Vickie and Linda from Chris:


    For a 7 to 8 inch flan dish

    6 oz digestive biscuits
    4 oz butter
    1 can condensed milk
    2-3 bananas, depending on size
    Half pint cream
    Flaked chocolate

    Place the unopened can of condensed milk in a large saucepan of water. Ensuring the can is completely covered by the water. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for about 1 hour 35 minutes. Check to that it is covered by water at all times.

    Meanwhile prepare the biscuit crumb base. Grease the dish with small amount of butter. Put the biscuits in a large polythene bag, seal, and crush the biscuits to fine crumbs, using a rolling pin. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan (preferably non-stick), take off the heat and mix in the bread crumbs. Line the bottom of the flan dish, flattening with a spoon. Chill until the condensed milk is ready.

    When the milk is almost ready, slice the bananas over the biscuit crumb base.

    Take the condensed milk out of the boiling water and cool for 2 to 3 minutes under a cold tap. Open VERY carefully. If the milk is still too hot, it will gush out of the tin. Stir the caramelised milk and spoon over the bananas and biscuit crumb. Chill in the fridge.

    Whip the cream, spoon over the toffee etc, and decorate with flaked chocolate.

    Apparently future topics are:

    Darning socks;
    Knitting bootees;
    Crocheting a pot-holder;
    Smocking a baby's dress;
    Making a Stepford Wives apron!!

    Look what you lot let happen by not turning up to support Apache, TheLovelyBoyo and yours truly!!!

    By the way ladies, Chris takes no responsibility if you let the condensed milk can become uncovered and it explodes milk all over your kitchen. Chris uses a pressure cooker (without the pressure) to make sure if anything does explode that it's contained.

    Mike G

  • #2
    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.stuff it im off to make banoffee pie. yum.


    • #3
      do they have to be OZ biscuits?

      will Mcvities do?
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tallyman
        Darning socks;
        Knitting bootees;
        Crocheting a pot-holder;
        What really worries me is the fact that I know how to do each of the above.


        • #5
          Now that IS worrying!

          I expect to see more of you next time (plenty of nice reasonably priced places to stay). You see, the more women there are, the more the chat degenerates into indecipherable noise, so no harm is done!

          Sorry Vicki!
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            Originally posted by Apache
            Now that IS worrying!

            I expect to see more of you next time (plenty of nice reasonably priced places to stay). You see, the more women there are, the more the chat degenerates into indecipherable noise, so no harm is done!

            Sorry Vicki!
            You're treading on very thin ice there Andy. Just think what Vicki could do with the heels off a pair of those kinky boots. Ooooooohhhhhhhh!!!
            Mike G


            • #7
              Originally posted by da SLUG man
              do they have to be OZ biscuits?

              will Mcvities do?
              Mike G


              • #8
                Originally posted by MattF
                What really worries me is the fact that I know how to do each of the above.
                what??!! you dont know how to smock a babys dress??? where have you been all your life man

