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For anyone in IT...

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  • For anyone in IT...

    Please please please make sure your servers are backed up....
    Got a call from my boss tonight. One of our main telephone servers went caput and we don't have a database backup !! The guys are in the office and i am working from home well into the early hours i expect..rebuilding the entire database...

    ho hum...
    i am being well supplied with snacks and tea... i am sure that will be black coffee before long...

    Can't wait for the repercussions tomorrow!!!
    Had enough... going to live in Spain....

  • #2
    Broken the golden rule.


    • #3
      I knew i shouldn't have answered the phone....

      Thankfully it won't be me with my head on the block having to explain it all..
      I expect my boss will get very drunk at our office do on Friday and be buying a fair few beers for his team too...
      Had enough... going to live in Spain....


      • #4
        Originally posted by Helen
        I knew i shouldn't have answered the phone....

        Thankfully it won't be me with my head on the block having to explain it all..
        I expect my boss will get very drunk at our office do on Friday and be buying a fair few beers for his team too...


        • #5
          hey, he might even say thanks...


          • #6
            Originally posted by AndyLala
            hey, he might even say thanks...
            Do boss's know how!!!!!
            I'm a custard donut monster


            • #7
              Originally posted by Helen
              Please please please make sure your servers are backed up....
              Got a call from my boss tonight. One of our main telephone servers went caput and we don't have a database backup !! The guys are in the office and i am working from home well into the early hours i expect..rebuilding the entire database...

              ho hum...
              i am being well supplied with snacks and tea... i am sure that will be black coffee before long...

              Can't wait for the repercussions tomorrow!!!
              Maintenance contract
              Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


              • #8
                Originally posted by jotto
                Do boss's know how!!!!!
                They do not...

                and as for the maintenance contract, check for 'acts of god'... usaually not worth the paper they are written on...

                You are relying on people to happen to be available when they call out of hours... how come they never call/ask you in the morning during the week, instead of 17:00hrs on a friday evening...

                (to55ers wrecked my weekend... done as much as I can...)

                I am going to write a diet book, only other way to make money (than maintenance contracts...)


                • #9
                  The maintenance people have been in at the weekend. Got the server back up , minus the data !!

                  My boss is writing the 'what the hell happened' paper....

                  He is a good boss and will appreciate all the effort people have put in tonight...

                  I'm off to brew some coffee... thanks god it isn't decaf.... the boyfriend is snoring away in the next room... i have the cat for company...

                  Type on.........
                  Had enough... going to live in Spain....


                  • #10
                    [QUOTE=AndyLala]They do not...


                    Isn't that generalising a little? Not all IT bosses are the same...
                    [I][B]96 3rd Gen in bluuuueeeee[/B]I]


                    • #11
                      Please forgive the rant, caught me at a low ebb.

                      <Un professional mode>

                      In 20 years in the industry, I have only had one boss that cut the mustard. And he moved on after 6 months (Bob Evans, wonder what he is doing now). In my experience, there are people with the 'can do' attitude, and those without (self centred sycophants), of those with the 'can do' attitude, about 0.001% can do management as well...

                      Those without the ‘right’ attitude take advantage of those with, for their own benefit and gratification.

                      So yes I am generalising, shoot me. The industry has left me with a very bad taste. Very disappointed.

                      </Un professional mode>


                      • #12
                        I finally finished and shut down pc about 2am.. not too bad...

                        Finishing off today...

                        What a nightmare
                        Had enough... going to live in Spain....


                        • #13
                          I see this problem all the time. Ensure you run BACKUPS Every night.
                          DATA when its gone its GONE
                          (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                          • #14
                            most basic rule ever.....

                            had some servers go down, luckily have an automated Backup schedule using a 4 week rotational system [1 tape per night]. Luckily it was a disk from the Raid 5 config, so the system could repair from the striping.

                            After installing the AD Server, first things I did was stop all services and backup the DNS, Catalog, Check the Consistency of the DB and all other data backed up.

