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Dual trace scope

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  • Dual trace scope

    Anyone interested in a dual trace scope? Another freebie. Wife's got me
    clearing out the front room for Christmas, so I've tried holding onto it, but it
    needs to go to a new home now. If anybody wants it, it'd be better either
    popping through for it or collaring someone on a Surf train. (Couriers are
    deadly where scopes are concerned). There's a Brother HL-1060 laser
    printer as well, if anyone's interested before it hits the bin? Just needs a
    toner cartridge as far as I remember.

  • #2
    Not bumping. Honest.


    • #3
      whats one of them scopes mat ??
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #4
        Originally posted by joker??
        whats one of them scopes mat ??

        i was wondering that but never wanted to look stupid asking first


        • #5
          its an oscilliscope that does 2 lines at once... (i just looked it up...) well i think it is anyway..
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #6
            Yup, what Charlie said. For measuring electrical signals. Dual trace means
            you can compare or monitor two sources at the same time.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MattF
              Yup, what Charlie said. For measuring electrical signals. Dual trace means
              you can compare or monitor two sources at the same time.
              i'll be stumped monitoring one source let alone two


              • #8
                Originally posted by stormforce1067
                i was wondering that but never wanted to look stupid asking first
                trust me to ask first

                errrrr still no wiser
                Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                • #9
                  Originally posted by joker??
                  trust me to ask first

                  errrrr still no wiser
                  Easier version. When you're watching the telly, these programmes where
                  they're analysing someones voice? It's the little screen with the wavy line
                  on it.
                  Last edited by MattF; 5 December 2006, 00:25.


                  • #10
                    looks like pacman lol
                    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                    • #11
                      My old man used to have one. Fcuking massive it was. I think he gave it to that film museum thing in Bradford (?)

                      He could never work out what to do with it either.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sancho
                        He could never work out what to do with it either.
                        More a case of I've got my main one and a spare in the workshop, as well
                        as a portable field one, so this one is just taking up excess room. No way
                        on earth I'm going to bin a working scope, however. Wife doesn't see it that
                        way, though. To her it's merely clutter.


                        • #13
                          Well, I kinda know what it does, and I have no use for it at all.

                          But it has all the right pre-requisites. Lots of knobs and buttons, and a flashy bit. So obviously I want one.

                          Pity I'm nowhere near you.
                          Paul </Slugsie>
                          Immortal.so far!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Slugsie
                            But it has all the right pre-requisites. Lots of knobs and buttons, and a flashy bit. So obviously I want one.

                            Pity I'm nowhere near you.
                            All the traits of a true hoarder. (Same reason I keep getting in trouble
                            with the wife. )


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MattF
                              All the traits of a true hoarder. (Same reason I keep getting in trouble
                              with the wife. )
                              Yup, tell me about it. However, being single I only have my daughter to tell me off for hoarding, won't be long before I get in trouble with her too.
                              Paul </Slugsie>
                              Immortal.so far!

