Anyone interested in a dual trace scope? Another freebie. Wife's got me
clearing out the front room for Christmas, so I've tried holding onto it, but it
needs to go to a new home now. If anybody wants it, it'd be better either
popping through for it or collaring someone on a Surf train. (Couriers are
deadly where scopes are concerned). There's a Brother HL-1060 laser
printer as well, if anyone's interested before it hits the bin? Just needs a
toner cartridge as far as I remember.
clearing out the front room for Christmas, so I've tried holding onto it, but it
needs to go to a new home now. If anybody wants it, it'd be better either
popping through for it or collaring someone on a Surf train. (Couriers are
deadly where scopes are concerned). There's a Brother HL-1060 laser
printer as well, if anyone's interested before it hits the bin? Just needs a
toner cartridge as far as I remember.