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Tax, upon tax, upon tax.....

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  • Tax, upon tax, upon tax.....


    Makes my p*ss boil. Surely it's time for a revolution.

  • #2
    Yeah, I've been watching this all morning, and following the outrage in the BBC
    Have Your Say forums.

    The only consolation is that with the British Governments (any party, doesn't matter) track record of getting a large, complex, IT heavy system in place, on time, and in budget, we won't have much to worry about for at least 25 years.
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!


    • #3
      All parties go a bit power crazy if they get voted in more than once. It's time for a change folks. Phoney Blair HAS to go!
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        Originally posted by laser_jock@work

        Makes my p*ss boil. Surely it's time for a revolution.
        I would like a Government Garentee they ain't gonna waste it again !!!!

        (what's all that overseas Aid about) I don't live Overseas, I live here & can't see us getting any Aid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        The roads, schools, Hospitals etc shoulda been sorted long ago as they already robbed us for it & yet again their begging or gonna Rob us again to do what shoulda already been done !!!! FCUKing wasters

        There's always a Payback.... You just can't see them telling lies !!!! NOT
        Buncefield Burner


        • #5
          tax tax and more tax

          lets all just emigrate, and stuff this country and its goverment.


          • #6
            We need to get this stopped , other wise they will just fritter the money away on anything other than improving the road network.

            Jeremy Clarkson pointed out that we already have a very fair and easily maintained tax system for road usage that automatically penalises those who drive thirsty cars or spend a long time sat in traffic jams - it's called Fuel Tax!!!

            Final thought - the man that fronts this idea is the ex-head of British Airways, and what was his favorite idea....more air travel!! Only one of the biggest polluters going!


            • #7
              It dont matter who you vote for in this sh*thole country anymore 'cos all you get is the same grey suited robbing git only interested in stealing your money to pay for more fekin grey suit buddies.

              The UK cant produce anymore we are a nation of parasite bad management.


              • #8
                Its coming soon to a road near you. They have been drip feeding us this for a long time now as part of the softening up process for when it happens and IT WILL happen.
                The only way to stop it is to be a bit French about it and as a nation just refuse to pay, or protest in some way. That however wont happen either as we have over the years become a nation of obedient, home owning, mortgage paying sheep, who cant afford to be too anti. The trade unions are in tatters, we have nothing to unite us.
                Its only a matter of time before all your salaries get paid directly to the government and they give you some back to live on depending on your wage. They will try to ensure its not too much as they dont want you buying fags, booze or being able to run gas guzzler vehicles. Is that too far fetched ?? It probably sounds that way now but who knows in 10 or twenty years. BUT back to road tolls, THEY ARE ON THE WAY NO QUESTION ABOUT IT. So grin and bear it

                Сви можемо


                • #9
                  Somebody posted a link to No10 website with a petition on this very subject trouble is the link is on my works putir, I will post it here Monday if nobody else beats me to it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by AuldNick
                    Somebody posted a link to No10 website with a petition on this very subject trouble is the link is on my works putir, I will post it here Monday if nobody else beats me to it.
                    is it this one



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by stormforce1067
                      That's it, done it again Now !!!
                      Spoze i'll get a visit & a Bribe to Change me mind Now !!!!!!
                      No Way.........

                      There's always a Payback.... You just can't tell if ya put ya foot in it !!!!
                      Buncefield Burner


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by stormforce1067
                        No it's this one


                        Sign up now!


                        • #13
                          Done. So lets post this link to everyone we know and try to make some smoke!


                          • #14
                            Dear Mr management.

                            Get this link sticky!

                            Thank you.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by laser_jock99
                              No it's this one


                              Sign up now!
                              Done that aswell, bet they'll be queuing up for my Vote !!!! or the Customs will Hijack me some where..... just to show there tracking us all anyways !!!!

                              There's always a Payback..... Comes with the Territory Spoze !!!!
                              Buncefield Burner

