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Weekend break

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  • Weekend break

    Morning all.

    I have somewhat foolishly promised the lovely Sanchetta that I will take her somewhere 'nice' next weekend. I suggested a couple of hours on the terraces at Colchester United and this appears to be the wrong answer.

    So, anyone know anywhere good, within about 3 hours drive of north London? Apparently, I'm looking for somewhere 'with a fire'. I have offered to start a fire in the pub, but no go

  • #2
    Originally posted by Sancho
    Morning all.

    I have somewhat foolishly promised the lovely Sanchetta that I will take her somewhere 'nice' next weekend. I suggested a couple of hours on the terraces at Colchester United and this appears to be the wrong answer.

    So, anyone know anywhere good, within about 3 hours drive of north London? Apparently, I'm looking for somewhere 'with a fire'. I have offered to start a fire in the pub, but no go
    Mmmmm No Incinerater Plant near you then
    Enjoying Life after Cancer


    • #3
      Tony and Lindas? may need to ask them permision for the fire though.
      That pikey 'village' in the news recently? Start a fire anyway.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
        Tony and Lindas? may need to ask them permision for the fire though.
        That pikey 'village' in the news recently? Start a fire anyway.
        Well, there is a B&B next door to their place. And the truck could do with some of Uncle Tony's attention. I think they might laugh that I still haven't managed to find time to get the T-Cut that the previous owner decided to coat it with back off. sh1t, just told everyone.......

