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  • #16
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
    33" tyres next then!

    Those springs are firm aint they? did you lose any teeth on the drive home?
    oh no.But i did get pulled over and beath tested at 0230 saturday morning on my way up there.The weather was terrible and the driving conditions were awfull.i never went over 60mph all the way up there.I nearly ended up in the hedge about 4miles exeter side of bridport as i was driving along one of the narrower streches and i never saw this bloomin great lake in the road until it was too late and as i hit it the force threw the car all over the road and nearly up the opposite hedge.what i never knew was there was a traffic cop following me until he pulled me over about a mile up the road where it was safe.They were understanding tho as the same happened to them earlier inthe night but thought i was mad when i said i was going to poole and tlb coming from wales to fit the suspension.
    I think i need to get better lights fitted before i travel any distance agin tho as my lights are $$$$.I said to the coppers that it scared the hell out of me and they said i was just lucky nothing was coming in the opposite direction as things could of been a lot worse


    • #17
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
      Does that mean you're gonna get your 'leg over'???
      Doubt it, i'd need an if that happened

      Just want the 2" body lift Richard ( intercooler) cant afford a suspension lift
      (height wise) as well, thinking about telling her it's just a body mount replacement cos there shot
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss

