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I'm going mad, please help me.

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  • I'm going mad, please help me.

    I make no excuses for being a lazy ba574rd when it comes to anything mechanical so I am not ashamed to ask for help.
    How oh how do I get rid of that 'kin BEEP,BEEP,BEEP every time I put my key in the ignition, or engage reverse, or leave my lights on or think about Kylie. (no, that warning beep is just in my head, ignore that one)
    It's gettin right on my 71ts.
    Can I rip out a wire or fuse or hair follicles?
    Always in the sh1t. Only the depth ever changes.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jockthelad
    I make no excuses for being a lazy ba574rd when it comes to anything mechanical so I am not ashamed to ask for help.
    How oh how do I get rid of that 'kin BEEP,BEEP,BEEP every time I put my key in the ignition, or engage reverse, or leave my lights on or think about Kylie. (no, that warning beep is just in my head, ignore that one)
    It's gettin right on my 71ts.
    Can I rip out a wire or fuse or hair follicles?
    Here's how to stop the beep when the keys are in the ignition.....

    The headlights on beep can be shushed by switching off the lights or closing the door!

    The reversing beep is a good thing, especially on an automatic, let's you know if you've selected reverse without having to look at the gear shift.


    • #3
      Cheers Vince, I'll kill that tomorrow. As for Kylie, I'll knock that one out as well
      Always in the sh1t. Only the depth ever changes.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jockthelad
        Cheers Vince, . As for Kylie, I'll knock that one out as well
        i hope you meant you'll knock the thought out your head and not what i thought you meant


        • #5
          Originally posted by stormforce1067
          i hope you meant you'll knock the thought out your head and not what i thought you meant


          How very dare you!


          • #6
            Whatever floats your boat, Dick
            Always in the sh1t. Only the depth ever changes.

