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Surfs on Ebay

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  • Surfs on Ebay

    I have toyed with the idea of selling my Surf and getting a newer model and probably a 3.0 litre. Soooo I occasionally look at ebay and having just done that Im in a right huff now and any plans to sell/buy are binned. I got TIRED and HACKED off reading ALL of the ads for 3.0 litre Surfs that proclaim in huge letters that they are NOT the underpowered, prone to head failure, utterly useless, rubbish, wouldnt have it for free, much use as a chocolate fireguard, make you want to throw up just thinking about it 2.4.

    If I ever get over my little huff/tantrum ( possibly by tomorrow) I certainly wont be buying a 3.0l from ANYBODY who attacks the 2.4 like that, and yes Im prepared to cut off my nose to spite my face and miss out on loads of them rather than buy from people who are so uneccessarily negative.

    WE KNOW THAT YOUR 3.0L is not a 2.4. The ad says its a 3.0L. Its also not a micra or a Ferrari, theres lots of things its NOT

    Anyway , its hard to sell any Surf these days but your chances of giving away a 2.4 on ebay must be grim. With all these people telling anyone who looks how rubbish they are , I wondering if theres even a chance of paying someone to take them.

    In fact an awful lot of ebay ads are so much waffle, I saw one that consisted of a couple of lines for the vehicle and then roughly two pages of threats about people with hardly any feedback, negative feedback, tyre kickers, etc etc. I appreciate that sellers need to take care of their business and I see nothing wrong with a few of the legal reminders and bid requirements, but you go on like that in BIG WRITING, you look like a physco who most folk wouldnt want to buy from

    OK nuff said, Im going to be really manly about it and go off to sulk for a while

    Сви можемо

  • #2
    i like my 2.4 might not go so fast but i have a bike for that. it does all that i ask of it (most of the time) so i agree with you that they are just being stupid ars es at least its a surf!
    it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


    • #3
      I won a 2nd Gen SSRG a couple of months ago, won it for £2000 and contacted the seller to arrange for payment and collection. Would you believe it the car got stolen that same night and wrapped into a wall and wrote off.. how unlucky was that?

      Well I asked my brother in law (a boy in blue) to check to see if it had been stolen and guess what.. it hadn't.

      Thats what you get when sellers dont put a reserve on and the car doesnt make that much money.
      -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


      • #4
        the adds that go on about head problems...ahem? are 3.0 surfs completely free of head problems, i don't think so. seen a few 3.0's have been suffering recently, the difference being that there's more 2.4's around and they tend to be a fair bit older than most 3.0's offered for sale and so obviously there will be more reports of problems with 2.4's than 3.0's, it's basic maths (much like the women being better drivers nonsense).

        anyway, you're not really going to stuggle to sell your surf due to sellers of 3.0's on ebay, you're going to struggle to sell it for a decent price due to many other factors though...bad press on 4x4's, (perceived) massive road tax increases which have every prospective 4x4 buyer worried about how much they're going to get stung for now and in the future, fuel costs etc etc, other sellers slagging off other products in their adds won't have much influence on a serious buyer as most do their homework before buying and will already know the pros and cons of whatever they're looking to buy.
        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


        • #5
          I think you have more chance of selling your vehicle locally in the paper with a pic. Too much choice (?) on ebay these days, most people would see a nicely presented surf & think its a lot of car for the money ! Like I did
          Side mounts are the new top mounts !


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bogus
            I have toyed with the idea of selling my Surf and getting a newer model and probably a 3.0 litre. Soooo I occasionally look at ebay and having just done that Im in a right huff now and any plans to sell/buy are binned.
            S'funny - went through the exact same thing a few months back. Found out the only person who valued my truck was ME!

            So I've recently serviced it to death - it's now going better than it ever has.

            Gonna spend the winter doing some more mods and keeping hold of it - at least depreciation ain't much of a factor any more
            Another member of the 'A' team


            • #7
              [QUOTE=The Lovely Boyo]S'funny - went through the exact same thing a few months back. Found out the only person who valued my truck was ME!

              Same here Andy, Mine owes me nuffink..... Long may "she" carry on Trucking

              There's always a Payback.... I just can't see it Happening Yet a while !!!!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                I got mine for 5k nearly 3 years ago and the only thing that the wench has cost me, is due to age was a front crank oil seal and a cam belt.
                All my money has gone on mods and now she has a snorkel and a good cheep lift setup , but worth under 2k .....AM I BOVERED

                No it is my hobby and fun so why whinge about the price of a 2.4 ,and get out there and enjoy it


                • #9
                  I’ve read similar comments regarding the 2.4 in E-bay adds recently. To be honest I’m not biased…. Neither the 2.4 nor 3.0 diesels are as good as my 3.0 V6 Petrol

                  Seriously though, I have owned one import (MR2) and driven / been passenger in plenty Japanese 4x4’s out in Africa and I have never heard anyone complain about there reliability. I bought my Surf last month based on this reliability and I knew one or to people who own Surfs/4-runners who seem happy with them. I’d been looking for a Toyota or Mitsubishi, but the Surf was the first one I looked at and I decided the moment I saw it that I wanted to buy it.

                  I then began reading this forum and thought “oh hell, what have I bought”….. But I’ve owned it a month now and all seems to be fine. It was owned by a forum member and had a replacement engine fitted and then sold on to the second owner from whom I have just had a letter in response to my request for information….. apparently he sold it to the garage because of its “ridiculous fuel consumption” (17 mpg) which is a genuine enough reason.

                  There is the saying “better the Devil you know” and I’m sure in your case Bogus, you know what has been done on your Surf. Sometimes it makes better sense to run a vehicle until you need to replace it rather than replacing just for the sake of wanting a “change”.


                  Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                  • #10
                    I sold my old 2.4 on ebay a few months ago. I got £1,700 for it, which is not much at all, but it was VERY old, totally stock and with no mods at all.

                    I just made sure that I stated that the head had been replaced and that it had been regularly serviced. Whilst I didn't get anything like my money back, I didn't feel like I'd been done at all. People aren't that stupid, most can tell which are the stinkers and which aren't.

                    And yes, those people whose adverts are 70% big letters about setting their dog on you if you don't pay everything tomorrow are nuts.

