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Australian Surf sites / classified sites / mechanics ?

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  • Australian Surf sites / classified sites / mechanics ?

    Am hopefully escaping to Oz for the winter and want to do a bit of touring (well a lot actually!) - Am thinking of buying a vehicle out there and selling it at the end of the trip - naturally a Surf seems pretty perfect for the job - 2 people sleeping in boot, roof rack for luggage, 4x4 capability, reliable, comfortable, etc etc.

    Can anyone direct me to some good Au Surf sites?

    Will probably fly into and out of Brisbane - if anyone has any Surf / 4x4 contacts around that area (or anywhere is Oz really) then that would be really useful in terms of finding a good vehicle and getting it serviced by someone competent before setting off into the outback!

    Cheers, John

  • #2

    I believe NiftyNev is in the Brisvegas area and he can no doubt put you in touch with some good people.


    • #3
      Best thing to do is post on the Aussie site and give some details on when you think you will be here, what vehicle you want (2.4 or 3Ltr) how much you want to pay, etc, etc and any other details you think are necessary. I live north of Brisbane so may be able to help out a little.



      • #4
        If you are going to the east side of Australia, I would highly recommend a camping trip on Fraser Island. It's the biggest sand island in the world & there are no roads. You get the ferry across & you can either camp on the camp sites or as I did just camp on the beach & make your fire. Theres loads to see on the island & theres loads of fresh water lakes for swimming. Just don't forget your timetable of tides or you could get caught out!!! & when the light aircraft are coming in to land on the beach you just pull over to the side. It's absolutly amazing....You will love it.


        • #5
          Thanks guys! Will post on that site.

          Any other recommended 'must see' places would be appreciated too!

          Plan at the moment is to run up to Cairns, do Port Douglas, Magnetic Island, etc then basically follow East coast all the way down to Adelaide.


          • #6
            Originally posted by John G
            Thanks guys! Will post on that site.

            Any other recommended 'must see' places would be appreciated too!

            Plan at the moment is to run up to Cairns, do Port Douglas, Magnetic Island, etc then basically follow East coast all the way down to Adelaide.
            I wouldn't bother going as far as Adelaide....drive the Great Ocean Road from Melbourne & see the Grampian National Park.

            Magnetic Island is very nice, you must see Mount Kosiusko the tallest mountain in oz great for walking & driving, the blue mountains near sydney & north of Cairns there is a rain forest (can't remember the name) which is really nice.


            • #7
              Originally posted by lclascaris
              north of Cairns there is a rain forest (can't remember the name) which is really nice.



              • #8
                Originally posted by NiftyNev
                Cheers Nev.

                I can stop thinking now


                • #9
                  Great Ocena rd is between Melbourne and Adelaide - right? Just don't bother going as far as Adelaide?

                  Nev - will be up Cairns way early December - will I get caught in rainy season then?

                  Also - can you recommend a good Surf specialist meachanic in Brissy? I'll be staying with friends there when I arrive and will wan't to give the vehicle a full going over before heading off.

                  Cheers, John


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by John G
                    Great Ocena rd is between Melbourne and Adelaide - right? Just don't bother going as far as Adelaide?

                    Nev - will be up Cairns way early December - will I get caught in rainy season then?

                    Also - can you recommend a good Surf specialist meachanic in Brissy? I'll be staying with friends there when I arrive and will wan't to give the vehicle a full going over before heading off.

                    Cheers, John
                    John, what I remember is that all the nice stuff to see on the Great Ocean Road is really only up to the Grampians...I was told that Adelaide was nothing special & not worth the rest of the journey....some people may disagree....i'm just passing on info giving to me from when I was there....I did a loop back to Melbourne......have you got loads of time there....as I spent 2 months on the east side getting from Cairns to the G.O.R & that was driving most days....it blew me away how big Australia is....you look at a map & you think I will go there today... then you realise it will take 2 days. Regards Lewis


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by John G
                      will be up Cairns way early December - will I get caught in rainy season then?

                      Cheers, John
                      Yep. But it will be nice and warm, so I wouldn't worry about it. It's the cyclones that bother me

                      You'll be there in stinger season too, so you'll have to dress up like Charlie's Angels if you want to swim in the sea.

                      Magnetic Island is nice, but there's nothing exciting there (unless you circumnavigate the island on a jet ski - takes 3 hours and is the best fun I ever had). Last time I was there, they were in the process of building a big hotel to ruin it.

                      It's always nice to stop off and have a sail around the Whitsunday Islands -white beaches, blue sea, that sort of thing.

                      Eungela National Park is nice (and very quiet) too. There's a load of wild platypuses there too.

                      If you end up in Sydney, the blue mountains are good (go to Jenolan caves whilst you're there). A weekend on a houseboat on the middle harbour's pretty good too. Depends how much time you've got.

                      Personally, I would always try to go to the Northern Territoy too. Lots of amazing waterfalls, termite mounds, aboriginal cave paintings etc etc.

                      If you have a long time, I would recommend a couple of weeks in North Queensland, a drive down the east coast, a couple of weeks in Sydney, then Melbourne, then Adelaide, then drive up to Darwin via Uluru. Personally, I'd then drive to Perth, dump the Surf and fly back to Brisbane. But we are talking about a VERY long drive and a lot of time here.

                      I've got itchy feet now.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by John G
                        Nev - will be up Cairns way early December - will I get caught in rainy season then?
                        Hard to predict the weather there at any particular time although it does rain a lot in areas around there. Make sure the air con is working in whatever vehicle you get.

                        Originally posted by John G
                        Also - can you recommend a good Surf specialist meachanic in Brissy? I'll be staying with friends there when I arrive and will wan't to give the vehicle a full going over before heading off.
                        I have very little to do with any mechanics so cannot personally recommend anyone. There are some on the Aussie site under Parts and Suppliers who have been recommended by others. I however may be able to tell you if any mechanic is talking $$$$ though if you have any problems.



                        • #13
                          all my mates went over there... don't be a sheep and do the usual stuff and read "the beach".

                          i just bought a warm coat and stayed here watching neighbours!
                          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                          • #14

                            Thanks guys for all the suggestions / advice!

