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Help! - starter motor issues - stranded!

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  • Help! - starter motor issues - stranded!


    I spent most of yesterday with the stereo out wiring up the rear speakers. Also tinkered with the wiring that leads to the power antenna and got that working. Initially the antenna came up every time the ignition was on (annoying) so I disconnected the lead coming from the ignition and connected the aerial signal wire instead. That meant the antenna came on only when I turned on the stereo.

    So, all well and good, I reassembled the dash and had a sit listening to my now kick-ass sounding music for 5 minutes. I then decided to go out for some take away to celebrate but....

    on turning ignition.....nothing but a CLICK.

    Now i've read a few posts on this (see Mechanic's below for example) and have tried a few things.

    Complete description:

    Turn key to ON, dash lights up as normal. Headlights, interior fan, brakelights, stereo etc all working fine.

    Turn key to start engine and everything goes off and a CLICK is heard from engine bay. Then for some reason my stereo comes on and my alarm starts to go off.

    Now I have noticed the engine not starting up well in the last week or so. Do you think that the starter (or just contacts) were on their way out and I made things worse by tinkering with the electrics. The Surf started fine just before I began playing with the wiring. I did have the engine in ON position lots whilst checking the operation of stereo / aerial.

    Is there a current to the starter contacts when the key is in the ON position? If so then perhaps I have burnt them and need to try the HAMMER trick.

    I have considered the immobiliser but it seems to be working OK. Arms & disarms fine. Have also considered disconnecting batteries to reset ECU but am worried this may cock up the alarm. I don't have the code for the immobiliser (not included in the paperwork I got from previous owner (stupid me!) despite him saying it was. GRRRRR!

    Any thoughts would be helpful? I'm a bit broke at the moment so can't afford to pay huge fees for a mech/electrician to come out and tinker. Would pay if I thought he'd actually fix it but nothing is definite with a Surf.



    Originally posted by The Mechanic
    It seems that many of you fellow Surfers have or are suffering from the dreaded starter motor...CLICKthis is nearly always (barring loose contacts and flat batteries) the starter solenoid contacts being burned which creates a high resistance to current flow. If you find yourself stuck with a motor that won't ...er...motor then get someone to hold the ignition key in the start position (against the return spring) and with the jack handle belt the starter motor a goodly smack and it should wake up. Please take all the usual common sense precautions..out of gear...fingers out etc..

    If you have only just begun to experience this problem, then you may be very lucky and get away with just cleaning the contacts carefully....except you have to get the starter motor out or at least in a position of access. If you don't disconnect the main powerlead from the battery/s then use plastic tube or insulating tape to isolate the 'live' wire from potential earthing and possibly spiking the ECU!!!!!

    And you guessed it mines on the blink ....it's not just common to the Surf either.
    Last edited by drdan; 14 November 2006, 14:45.

  • #2
    Oh yeah forgot to say, problem remains even after restoring the wiring to its previous state.


    • #3
      Not teaching you to suck eggs but.........

      If it's an auto is it in Neutral or Park ?

      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • #4
        Hi Trev, thanks for reply. Yeah, already checked that one. Even made sure that I shifted with the brakes on to make sure coil engaged. Tried starting in both P and N but no joy.




        • #5
          Do you get the click of the starter motor relay out is it just dead .If no sound have you got a imobileiser and have you trapped one of its wires. If you have the click have you tried hitting the starter motor


          • #6
            Sounds nothing more than flat batteries to me, all thoes symptoms can happen.
            Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



            • #7
              Yup, batteries are flat.


              • #8
                I've checked both batteries. 12V+ each.

                Not hit it with a hammer yet. Need to get someone to hold the key while I do the tapping. Will tapping it without the key turned do anything?

                Definitely get a click.

                May have to get my hands dirty and strip out the starter. Not looking forward to it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by drdan
                  I've checked both batteries. 12V+ each.

                  Not hit it with a hammer yet. Need to get someone to hold the key while I do the tapping. Will tapping it without the key turned do anything?

                  Definitely get a click.

                  May have to get my hands dirty and strip out the starter. Not looking forward to it.

                  Did you check the voltage with the batteries seperated? as they work/are wired together.


                  • #10
                    If you are lucky and give it a tap it might work


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by drdan
                      I've checked both batteries. 12V+ each.

                      Not hit it with a hammer yet. Need to get someone to hold the key while I do the tapping. Will tapping it without the key turned do anything?

                      Definitely get a click.

                      May have to get my hands dirty and strip out the starter. Not looking forward to it.
                      Voltage across batteries should be about 13.5 with no load, try seeing what the voltage is when turning key to start if it drops below 12 volts its the batteries
                      If it aint broke dont fix it


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by drdan
                        ................. had a sit listening to my now kick-ass sounding music for 5 minutes.......... Dan

                        Theres the problem, you've drained the batteries.


                        • #13
                          Hmmm, good points. Thanks Vince, forgot they're wired in parallel so wouldn't see if one was flat. And I'm supposed to be a Doctor in Science!!! I'll try what Gary suggests. Not sure I can persuade the girlfriend to stand outside in the cold and dark holding the key for me for too long!

                          Do you reckon it's worth a quick try at jump starting? Heidi (my girlfriend) just got back so now have an extra pair of hands, and another car!

                          Unfortunately, it's now pitch black. Wouldn't it be great if these things went wrong in summer when I had a chance to see. A black Surf, at night, not the easiest thing to see. And I work til 6 most nights so there won't be any daylight for me until next weekend. Perhaps I'll have another bash then if jump starting doesn't work.

                          Cheers Fellas,



                          • #14
                            Incidentally, how do you jump a twin battery setup? Just ignore one and deal with the other?

                            No smutty answers please.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by drdan
                              Incidentally, how do you jump a twin battery setup? Just ignore one and deal with the other?

                              No smutty answers please.

                              Same as you do any other vehicle. Either battery, doesn't really matter which
                              you connect to.

