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Traffic Cops BBC1

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  • #16
    As far as I'm conserned targeting one aspect is irrelevant, because there are too many items in a car today that can distract you. I have had near misses due to turning on the radio, seeing a woman on the street, trying to read a billboard, even checking my temperature guage.
    I spent three years doing high speed alarm responce, mostly at night, mostly tired, and handleing all my firms out of hours calls, and in that time I only pranged one car (the managers, reversing out a parking space into a fence) and at the time I was not on the phone, or smoking.
    A firm I knew a few years back removed all car stereos from their cars to reduce distractions, they refitted them because the drivers started to get bored on long journeys and switch off from driving.
    Even on a motorcycle with no distractions it is possible to zone out.

    After watching the programe I came to some conclusions. The truck driver should have been done, because he allowed himself to be distracted in driving conditions where he should have been concentrating on his driving. His firm were at fault for fitting equipment without telling him how to use it, and when he should use it. His passenger was a fault for allowing him to act like a pratt when he should have been driving. And finally that family liason officer should not have continued to work after talking to the family, because he was being driven by his emotions.
    I do agree with the law, all my equipment is handsfree, but I do not agree with demonising one aspect, after all isn't that what the anti 4X4s are doing.
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


    • #17
      Using a mobile while driving need not be any more distracting than talking to passenger, but it CAN be, and a certain portion of drivers shift their concentration from the driving to the phone resulting in some very dangerous antics indeed.

      I myself have been forced off the side of a dual carriageway at 60mph by some pillock in a Range Rover who wasn't concentrating becasue he was on the phone (and travelling under the limit so invisible to speed cameras ).

      It's not everyone, but for those who lose concentration, it's as risky as being intoxicated (one of the Glasgow universities proved this).

      THAT's why the penalty needs to be higher, and enforced.

      You've got to wonder, when you see Mums pulling out of the supermarket car park onto a roundabout, phone in hand, what's going through their heads. I mean, they were parked 60 seconds ago ...

