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Advice reqired

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  • Advice reqired

    hello, i just browsed in (been lurking for a couple of days)... i need some advice because i'm considering buying a Surf or maybe a double cab hilux.

    We'd certainly be buying the 2.4 engine, now reading though the other threads it seems this has a bit of a bad reputation with the head. Can someone explain to be exactly what the problem is (warpage, cracking etc) and on which model years the problem is apparent, approx costs to fix? and does this affect only the Surf?

    Also which models are the best to go for equipment spec? (im not too fussed about interior trim)

    [I][B][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]1993 SSR-X 2.4[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I]

  • #2
    Originally posted by Dexter
    hello, i just browsed in (been lurking for a couple of days)... i need some advice because i'm considering buying a Surf or maybe a double cab hilux.

    We'd certainly be buying the 2.4 engine, now reading though the other threads it seems this has a bit of a bad reputation with the head. Can someone explain to be exactly what the problem is (warpage, cracking etc) and on which model years the problem is apparent, approx costs to fix? and does this affect only the Surf?

    Also which models are the best to go for equipment spec? (im not too fussed about interior trim)

    hi dexter,
    i,ll leave a more mechanically minded member to explain the head probs but you could always buy one thats had the head replaced with the re-designed head, no worries then.
    as for models and spec i think its a bit of a lottery as there are models lower down the model range with so many factory fitted optional extras they could be top of the range except for the badge.
    all in all, i would say buy one, best motor iv,e had(91 2.4 ssr-ltd) and i would only get rid of it to get another surf.
    hope this helps.


    • #3
      It was a manufacturing fault on the head around 91/92 affecting 2.4 only. Toyota Japan issued a recall and some heads were swapped. If the car you were buying has an original faulty head then you may have a problem. A poll on here a while back indicated that approx 50% of 2.4 owners had a problem. So if you buy a 2.4 make sure you get a warranty (for as long as poss) that covers the head, or proof that a new (not reconditioned) head has been fitted.
      For more info do a search on "heads"



      • #4
        Originally posted by Dexter
        hello, i just browsed in (been lurking for a couple of days)... i need some advice because i'm considering buying a Surf or maybe a double cab hilux.

        We'd certainly be buying the 2.4 engine, now reading though the other threads it seems this has a bit of a bad reputation with the head. Can someone explain to be exactly what the problem is (warpage, cracking etc) and on which model years the problem is apparent, approx costs to fix? and does this affect only the Surf?

        Also which models are the best to go for equipment spec? (im not too fussed about interior trim)


        Models as listed below, top spec down, but think if you get a standard SSR-G it will be better than say an SSR-X because if the previous owner went for the options the SSR-X could be better than the SSR-G.
        You will find so many optional extra's on these its unbelievable
        SSR Ltd
        Also check this thread out http://yotasurf.co.uk/Forums/showthr...ghlight=MODELS

        As for the heads it was a design fault, with the waterways being to near the valve guides. With a new head fitted (redesigned) (oh dont bother with a recon or stitched one the problem will come back) the problem shouldn't re occur.
        As to whether you but a duff one or good one is unfortunately a bit of a lottery unless the dealer or previous owner can catagorically say its had a new head ans show receipts to prove it.
        There is a list of frame No's of the recalled Surf's but being as these are imports and we don't know a lot of previous history with them and that the majority info collected via the web, I am not sure this list is that comprehensive.
        Why because mine wasn't on the list but the head cracked and I know of two others whoses wasn't on the list and the head cracked.
        To replace the head as a DIY job your looking at £750-£800 for new complete head, stretch bolts, gaskets and five new belts, if taking it to a garage I would still suggest you supply the head so add the labour to the above price.
        Having said all that if you can pick up a motor within your budget you will have some spare to put to the head should it crack. All in all, yes my head went and yes I would buy another 2.4 and should the head go again I would simply replace it again thats how much I like my Surf and am sure the same goes for most others.
        Just look at those whose heads have gone, they didn't rush out and get rid of it they repaired it and still enjoy it today, such is the pleasure of owning these motors.
        Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

        My 4x4
        My choice
        Back off


        • #5
          I like my Surf and am sure the same goes for most others.
          Just look at those whose heads have gone, they didn't rush out and get rid of it they repaired it and still enjoy it today, such is the pleasure of owning these motors.
          .............................. .............................. .............................. ..

          And so say all of us


          • #6
            I have a 2.4 and yes the head is a bit of an inconvience but once done is not a worry. I love mine and would only consider changing it for another ( probably a 3 ltr ) but don't see that happening for many years. I consider it the first 'proper' motor that I've ever owned and certainly the first that's ever made me want to get my hands grubby maintaining it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by marky
              I like my Surf and am sure the same goes for most others.
              Just look at those whose heads have gone, they didn't rush out and get rid of it they repaired it and still enjoy it today, such is the pleasure of owning these motors.
              .............................. .............................. .............................. ..

              And so say all of us
              Ive had mine 5 years ok its a 1st gen 1988/9 2.4 and Ive had no problems at all except wear and tear, and at 15 years old she still goes when and where I ask.
              Take your time over getting a surf, look around and buy one. You will never want anything else.

              If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


              • #8

                Here's a hint about owning a Surf........

                The engine in mine - yes the complete head / bore block - is officially shot as of yesterday.

                Would I change anything about the car I bought ? NO !!

                I love it and even if it does cost me the sharp end of £1500+ to put right, I'm keeping her
                [center][font=Microsoft Sans Serif][size=7][color=magenta][u][b][img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipgrl12.gif[/img][/b][/u][/color][/size] [img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipmn1.gif[/img][/font][/center][center][img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jim_ashton/shyAV5.jpg[/img][/center][center][b][color=#ff00ff][size=7][u]E[/u][/size][u][size=5]ms [/size][size=5]&[/size][size=7] J[/size][size=5]im[/size][/u][/color][/b][/center]


                • #9
                  The Surf is by far the best vehicle I have ever owned(1996,3rd Gen 3.0Ltr),I have never owned a 2.4 so I couldn't possibly comment.I was torn between buying a double cab pick up(L200 or Toyota Hilux) and a Surf.I eventually(after much deliberation and browsing this forum)bought a Surf in July 2003,no regrets whatsoever.
                  Powered by ????


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RobD
                    The Surf is by far the best vehicle I have ever owned(1996,3rd Gen 3.0Ltr),I have never owned a 2.4 so I couldn't possibly comment.I was torn between buying a double cab pick up(L200 or Toyota Hilux) and a Surf.I eventually(after much deliberation and browsing this forum)bought a Surf in July 2003,no regrets whatsoever.
                    i was disapointed with the short seatbelts in the back... but luckily we are making money from the baby which has now become a contorsionist and moved to russia for gymnastic training.

                    apart from that it's a good motor, although hard to clean... jet wash off... 10 minutes later that mud had come out from the nooks and crannies and left muddy streaks everywhere!... my tip to avoid this is not to waste time washing it.
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                    • #11
                      I'm in the same position as Dexter - looking to buy a Surf sooner than later.

                      I'm not put off by the head issue but would like to avoid it if possible.

                      Linda said is was restricted to the 91/92 models. Is that right? Are '93 onwards OK - would be nice to hear form any '93+ ownes to see if they have had the same head problems.
                      '93 SSR-X - Here But Its Gotta Go :-(

                      The difference between stupidity and genius.... is that genius has its limits!!


                      • #12
                        mines a 2.4 93 surf ive had it since april 2003 had no problems so far ive just looked after it. The guys on this forum are full of useful technical knowledge there is always someone online to answer your questions.
                        This forum is an encyclopedia of knowledge.
                        hope you get what you want mate you will wear a big smile when you are out in your surf.
                        good luck & enjoy
                        (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by hoops
                          I'm in the same position as Dexter - looking to buy a Surf sooner than later.

                          I'm not put off by the head issue but would like to avoid it if possible.

                          Linda said is was restricted to the 91/92 models. Is that right? Are '93 onwards OK - would be nice to hear form any '93+ ownes to see if they have had the same head problems.
                          If you can afford it go for a 3.0L and avoid the problem..... As Koi posted earlier there have been a few people with head problems on 2.4's from other years too. There is a list kicking around somewhere with the engine numbers that were on the recall - do a search for Heads... though I have no idea if it's complete!



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Linda
                            If you can afford it go for a 3.0L and avoid the problem..... As Koi posted earlier there have been a few people with head problems on 2.4's from other years too. There is a list kicking around somewhere with the engine numbers that were on the recall - do a search for Heads... though I have no idea if it's complete!

                            Mines a 1990 ....the head went.....who cares...bol*ox...I did at the time.
                            It's still a great car , now the heads done it should outlast the car .
                            If I ever changed it would only be for another surf .
                            BTW not only do we have the best cars , we also have the best forum
                            Geoff http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_5.gif.... http://www.boomspeed.com/carolrobert/police.gif......


                            • #15
                              wow, thanks for all the replies!

                              while it's disappointing to find out that the head is as much of an issue as it is... when i come to buy we'll just make sure it's either been done or budget in for doing it... does anyone know if this affects the normal hilux too or is it specific to the Surf?

                              I'm not adverse to doing my own mech work (i'm building a Toyota 4A-GZE engine at the moment).

                              going to save some pennies over the next few months and get a loan out for the rest (can't resist these 5.9% loans going around at the moment!) and then start looking properly!
                              [I][B][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]1993 SSR-X 2.4[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I]

