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This Country Winds Me Up

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bludger
    - Since the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, the public transport system has become very efficient to the point where it is quicker to get from the South of Sydney to the North by Train & Bus than to drive.
    I won't bore everyone with a long running debate over this but, yes, it is quite quick if the train ever turns up, which it doesn't. And that's not efficient, have you tried driving through London compared to getting the tube? The fact that Sydney is alco choked by congestion isn't really a great point in its favour.

    Also, we have a fair bit of coal left here, but no-one will go and get it out of the ground for the same amount as they will in other countries. It comes from being wealthy, which is generally considered good.

    To hijack the thread a bit (sorry), my only problem with this country is that it's full of the most miserable, negative, moaning people in the world. People seem to hate, without exception, everyone that they can't immediately identify with, compain endlessly about everything, blame the government for anything that goes wrong in their lives and do nothing to help themselves.

    No wonder the country's 'going to the dogs' (which I still haven't noticed) if it's full of people with such a relentlessly downcast view of life.

    They may be smoke belching and planet destroying, but at least the Aussies have got it into their heads that you have to help yourself in this life and sometimes bad things just happen.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sancho
      To hijack the thread a bit (sorry), my only problem with this country is that it's full of the most miserable, negative, moaning people in the world. People seem to hate, without exception, everyone that they can't immediately identify with, compain endlessly about everything, blame the government for anything that goes wrong in their lives and do nothing to help themselves.

      No wonder the country's 'going to the dogs' (which I still haven't noticed) if it's full of people with such a relentlessly downcast view of life.

      They may be smoke belching and planet destroying, but at least the Aussies have got it into their heads that you have to help yourself in this life and sometimes bad things just happen.

      With regards to the negativity, pretty true. However, being shafted
      by someone doesn't constitute blaming them for all your woes. One has
      no option when the powers that be decide it's buggery time again.


      • #18
        why is an enviromental report written by an economist even worth reading? that seem like a waste of paper for a start...
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #19
          Originally posted by MattF
          With regards to the negativity, pretty true. However, being shafted
          by someone doesn't constitute blaming them for all your woes. One has
          no option when the powers that be decide it's buggery time again.
          The money doesn't go anywhere!!! They can't spend it on anything other than public services.

          Yes, they spend most of it on blowing up arabs, but maybe a few more people should have marched, written to their MPs or done something when they had the chance 3 and a half years ago rather than sitting around grumbling about it now.


          • #20
            The british are famous for moaning, usually about the weather, followed by the council/government etc, Of course it could just be because the ordinary bloke has been shafted right from the getgo, We pay one of the highest tax rates in the world, were taxed on our earnings, we're taxed on just about everythin we buy, if we're able to save money we're taxed on that, and if we have any money/assets when we die we're taxed on that as well, we pay through the nose for just about everything, the taxes go up and the service we get goes down,
            Recycling!!!! Well all i can say is portmouth city council got caught a while back dumping recycle'd waste on the tip along with all the other rubbish, there was a big stink in the evening news, as well as abig stink comeing off the tip
            A while back i contacted the council to collect an old fridge and was told it would cost so an so and it had to be disposed of properly, two blokes arrived in a ram back dust cart, threw it in and squashed it with the ram, so whats the f**kin point,
            We got once a fortnight rubbish collection here now and it's not working,
            the bins stink by the second week and you see people jumping up and down in em to compact it so they can get a bit more in, the estate is littered with black bags, sofa's, bick frames, you name it,
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #21
              Originally posted by ian619
              The british are famous for moaning, usually about the weather, followed by the council/government etc, Of course it could just be because the ordinary bloke has been shafted right from the getgo, We pay one of the highest tax rates in the world, were taxed on our earnings, we're taxed on just about everythin we buy, if we're able to save money we're taxed on that, and if we have any money/assets when we die we're taxed on that as well, we pay through the nose for just about everything, the taxes go up and the service we get goes down,
              Recycling!!!! Well all i can say is portmouth city council got caught a while back dumping recycle'd waste on the tip along with all the other rubbish, there was a big stink in the evening news, as well as abig stink comeing off the tip
              A while back i contacted the council to collect an old fridge and was told it would cost so an so and it had to be disposed of properly, two blokes arrived in a ram back dust cart, threw it in and squashed it with the ram, so whats the f**kin point,
              We got once a fortnight rubbish collection here now and it's not working,
              the bins stink by the second week and you see people jumping up and down in em to compact it so they can get a bit more in, the estate is littered with black bags, sofa's, bick frames, you name it,
              So many Hippocrites everywhere, blinded or baffled by Science or ££££££'s ...
              They can put camera's in my Wheelie Bin, cos they travel Nowhere !!!!
              I got me own devices me..... they work for me, I grow me own, (the original Good Life) the only big problem I've got is, to dispose of is me Vegie Bottles when there empty.No problem there tho When I go to pick some more full ones up I drop em off where i got em !!!!!!!!!!!!
              We waste nuffink....................... ..

              There's always a Payback.... You just can't trust anybody nowdays !!!!
              Last edited by Diezel Weazel; 31 October 2006, 22:52.
              Buncefield Burner


              • #22
                I could take my empty veg oil cans down the indian take away and stick em in their bin, it's bigger than mine, (when their not there of course)
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss

