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  • Dishwasher?

    Do you guys think that a Dishwasher could be used for cleaning SURF Mechanical parts prior to fitting. Will the WIFE mind

  • #2
    Originally posted by marky
    Do you guys think that a Dishwasher could be used for cleaning SURF Mechanical parts prior to fitting. Will the WIFE mind
    Yep, go for it...

    Just let me know what the wife says/does to you when she finds out...
    Life on the edge is short, but the view is great !


    • #3
      I paid for it so whats the problem She goes to NEW YORK on friday so i may try it out while she's away
      And if Mrs JOTTO backs me up i'll be chuffed
      Last edited by marky; 28 October 2006, 20:23.


      • #4
        Somebody on another forum used their mums dishwasher for engine parts. He was still cleaning the dishwasher three days later when his mum came home.
        I find that Fairy power spray and a wash off in the sink when L is not looking, does the trick.
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          I'll use STEVOS then as he's got a proper GARAGE type one


          • #6
            Try that Dishwasher degreasing stuff after....see if does what it says on the tin...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gizmo
              Try that Dishwasher degreasing stuff after....see if does what it says on the tin...
              Na you lot will grass on me in Blackpool
              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


              • #8
                they have no sense of humour about these things, like maggots in the fridge for fishing...where's the harm if they're in a container and can't escape?
                i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by marky
                  Na you lot will grass on me in Blackpool
                  of course they won't.If it works ok and cleans ok for you then we can all do it and know we will get away with it,but if we don't see you on here for a while then we all know not too try it.........


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by marky
                    I paid for it so whats the problem She goes to NEW YORK on friday so i may try it out while she's away
                    And if Mrs JOTTO backs me up i'll be chuffed

                    I'll back you up all you like Marky, but it's not me that she'll kill, is it??????


                    • #11
                      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by stormforce1067
                        of course they won't.If it works ok and cleans ok for you then we can all do it and know we will get away with it,but if we don't see you on here for a while then we all know not too try it.........
                        NOW YOU'VE DONE IT Just put the pots in for washing! 1st time weve tried it & it throws up a tap error (no water or insufficient pressure) Maybe a kink in the pipe
                        (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by marky
                          Do you guys think that a Dishwasher could be used for cleaning SURF Mechanical parts prior to fitting. Will the WIFE mind
                          Tricky one this Marky
                          now you could look at it one of two ways
                          1 who bought the Dishwasher?
                          2 who's is the BOSS in your house??

                          now taking those into account ARE YOU a Man or a MOUSE

                          by the way SHE IS BEHIND YOU
                          Enjoying Life after Cancer


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by pops
                            now taking those into account ARE YOU a Man or a MOUSE
                            That depends, how near is the cheese ?

                            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by pops
                              Tricky one this Marky
                              now you could look at it one of two ways
                              1 who bought the Dishwasher?
                              2 who's is the BOSS in your house??

                              now taking those into account ARE YOU a Man or a MOUSE

                              by the way SHE IS BEHIND YOU
                              I bought the new Kitchen but it will all be working tomorrow i hope
                              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

