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Failing Rear Brake Cylinders anyone?

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  • Failing Rear Brake Cylinders anyone?

    Did a search but couldn't find what I need also decided to put it in general rather than bury it the tech section hoping for some swift answers.

    Bit of a problem with my OSR breaks: one of the brake shoe retaining pins had rusted through and the brake shoe somehow damaged the brake cylinder. Took the cylinder out as a sample and sent a man running around the industrial area trying to find a match. No joy but he did bring back new dust caps and plunger washers.

    Fitted the new kit and then refitted the rest - bled the brakes but they were still spongy and so bled them again. WHOOSH! Foot hits the floor and I look at the OSR cyllinder to see that the dust cap has "blown" off and brake fuid is leeking all over the floor!

    Before this happend I noticed that the break shoes were not moving together but at slightly different times and that thebrake adjuster kept pulling out of its notch. Now, what the hell have I done wrong and how the hell do I fix it? End of next month we are of exploring again and I'd like at least my brakes to work!

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    Sort of desparate to hear what you fellows have to say so I'm going to make some coffee and hang around for an hour or so. So if any of you guys feel like helping me out I'd greatly appreciate it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by bundubasher
      Sort of desparate to hear what you fellows have to say so I'm going to make some coffee and hang around for an hour or so. So if any of you guys feel like helping me out I'd greatly appreciate it.
      Enzo, be patient - the help you seek will be with you - after all, you are the Toyota Hero -rushing around the bush chasing lions you little tinker............

      Sounds to me like you need to replace all of the cylinder, can you post details of what you're looking for.
      Another member of the 'A' team


      • #4
        Sorry! I get a bit teezy when I have no wheels and it's taken me 4 days just to find the right seals and now my plans for total world domination have gone tits up!

        "Toyota Hero": My @rse! I'm a f*ck up just like the rest of humanity, the only difference is that I got two things right in my life: I bought the right car and I married the right woman.

        My Toy is a 94 KZN130 3.0TD manual 4Runner.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bundubasher
          Sorry! I get a bit teezy when I have no wheels and it's taken me 4 days just to find the right seals and now my plans for total world domination have gone tits up!

          "Toyota Hero": My @rse! I'm a f*ck up just like the rest of humanity, the only difference is that I got two things right in my life: I bought the right car and I married the right woman.

          My Toy is a 94 KZN130 3.0TD manual 4Runner.

          Assuming you are in the UK, go to your nearest motor factors, or possibly even Halfords and ask for w wheel cylinder for a Toyota pick-up. They're bound to be the same as the 4Runner/Surf.

          You definitely need a new one 'cos it sonds like one of the wheel cylinder pistons has seized.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
            Assuming you are in the UK, go to your nearest motor factors, or possibly even Halfords and ask for w wheel cylinder for a Toyota pick-up. They're bound to be the same as the 4Runner/Surf.

            You definitely need a new one 'cos it sonds like one of the wheel cylinder pistons has seized.
            He's not!!

            Sounds like it just needs rebuild with new cylinders and replacing other worn parts.

            A pic would be good, in case its not put together properly.
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #7

              It's just gone midnight here (GMT +3) so I'll take a pic in the morning.

              Replace - yeah thought of that but nobody could match the sample I sent out, funny as I thought my 4Runner was the same as the 3L Surf - but then again they are all grey imports out here.

              I'll take it apart and put it back together again in the morning and I'll try and find a tame mechanic to come round and take a look at it. Just p!sses me off that's all -wasted time and money.


              • #8
                Right, I'm hitting the sack, g'night guys and thanks for the advice.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  Assuming you are in the UK,
                  Vince, how could you miss Enzo - he's the one wandering around Africa in a Surf.

                  Enzo - did this forum ever let you down?
                  Another member of the 'A' team


                  • #10
                    Maybe this will help. LN130 came out with two wheel cylinder sizes. Later models had wheel cylinders with a part number JB3063 23.81mm bore size. Maybe the KZN130 used the same brake setup.



                    • #11
                      Morning, morning, 4.07 in the UK , 7.37 here. Will get off my butt and take those pics in a minute just let me drink my coffee.

                      Lovely Boyo - no this forum has never let me down and sometimes I wish I could reciprocate more - but if anyone ever comes out this way they'll definately have somewhere to stay and someone to show them around (as long as they devote their WHOLE luggage allowance to bringing spares out to me!)

                      Thanks Nifty - I'll go take a look at this pesky thing now...

                      PS: I have the brake_shoes.doc but can't remember where I got it from. But my brakes look exactly the same.
                      Last edited by bundubasher; 28 October 2006, 07:08. Reason: Add txt + pics


                      • #12
                        Looks to me as if the right piston just isn't extending, the one on the other side is far to far out now, but that probably because there is no drum on it.

                        Are you adjusting them properly after putting the drum on (ie, pull the handbrake repeatedly till the adjuster stops clicking)

                        Once its all put together and you've set the clearance with the hand brake, pull the drum off again and measure the ID of the drum, and then the width of the shoes across the middle, there should only be 0.6mm difference. If this is correct there is no way the adjuster can fall out of its slots as the drums don't move that far.

                        If one piston is sluggish, the pressure of the brake system will make the other side come out once the other shoe is in contact with the drum, unless its really seized. If you pressing the pedal without the drum on, one will always come out first, as there is no pressure on either of them. hold that side in and the other side should move.

                        If you need parts sent out I can find out shipping costs mate, let me know.
                        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                        • #13
                          As above. Agree with Tony. Hope it was a simple as you pumping the brakes without the drum on.

                          You have 15/16 wheel cylinders which convert to the 23.81mm.



                          • #14
                            Agree fully with top two posts.



                            • #15
                              Slaps his forehead (HARD) with embarrasment!

                              You guys were SO right! That was my mistake all along! Once again the members of the forum come to my rescue!

                              Many, many thanks to all who took the time to reply, there's a crate of cold ones in the fridge with your names on!

