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Richmond Surf grab....

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  • Richmond Surf grab....

    Fantastic, now we are going to have to pay even more to own the vehicle we want. Today Richmond, tomorrow the rest of the country!!

    Is it just me or do we seem to be getting closer to the Nanny State that we spent two world wars fighting to prevent???

    Stalin lives in Richmond....

  • #2
    Originally posted by M35A2
    Fantastic, now we are going to have to pay even more to own the vehicle we want. Today Richmond, tomorrow the rest of the country!!

    Is it just me or do we seem to be getting closer to the Nanny State that we spent two world wars fighting to prevent???

    Stalin lives in Richmond....

    Don't worry, lie back and think of..........Canada.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
      Don't worry, lie back and think of..........Canada.

      I'm lying back.....


      • #4
        well, i am never going to park in richmond again. that'll learn em.
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          As a registered veg oil user, i think its unbelievable that if i lived in Richmond, i would would have to pay higher parking rate even although my car has safer emissions than most small cars. It would be easy to give veg oil users some sort of incentive as they have a register of users. I live in Acton, which is the Borough of Ealing. At present there is no parking restrictions outside my house and if i had to pay £300 all of a sudden, i would have no choice but sell the 4runner.
          When is the Government going to help veg/bio diesel users???
          Still Searching,
          Dick Whittington


          • #6
            If this lot got their heads out of their bums they could see a painless, easy way to cut emissions, WITHOUT upsetting everyone.

            Most diesel car makers allow "B5" (5% Bio mix) spec Biodiesel without invalidating the warranties, it's in some pumps so is a known, proven technology - why not make it the new standard for diesel - hey presto 5% less diesel used, a cut on emissions and a demand for crops from the farmers - all this whilst not cutting the oil companies & the taxman out of the loop - so come on WHO would loose ?

            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #7
              Originally posted by Philip
              As a registered veg oil user, i think its unbelievable that if i lived in Richmond, i would would have to pay higher parking rate even although my car has safer emissions than most small cars. It would be easy to give veg oil users some sort of incentive as they have a register of users. I live in Acton, which is the Borough of Ealing. At present there is no parking restrictions outside my house and if i had to pay £300 all of a sudden, i would have no choice but sell the 4runner.
              When is the Government going to help veg/bio diesel users???

              it will never be done to a standard that it desrves, cause theres to much revenue to be lost! until there is a fuel subtitute manufactured that can be taxed that gives off low emissions, then things will only get worse!
              CHEERS JOHN................


              • #8
                I couldn’t cope with living in a city (and I do park in my own drive) but if I lived in Richmond I’d tear down the fence / wall of the property and park on the front lawn
                Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                • #9
                  i can't believe that people would even consider buying a house with no parking!

                  and it's supposed to be one of the most affluent areas in the country!... surely they can afford driveways!?
                  nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                  • #10
                    As the front of my house is about 20cm too small, the council will not allow me to have pavement lowered to do this. If i parked on my property they would be around like a shot and accuse me of damaging pavement etc etc.
                    As my wife is a non driver, she doesn't understand how P--d off you can get, when after an evening out you have to park down the road as the spaces are taken up.
                    Still Searching,
                    Dick Whittington


                    • #11

                      Surely parking is actually helping with CO2 emissions as the engine is off. So if you choose to use the 4x4 only at weekends and cycle to work you will be penalised more than someone who travels by car constantly and causes more pollution.

                      I've just bought my first Surf this week. 2.4 SSr-X (Burgundy, maroon). Collect on Saturday. Can hardly wait.

                      Sorry my first post could not be on a happier subject.


                      • #12
                        1. 4x4's are not the most polluting cars in the roads... at the moment...
                        2. yet another knee jerk reaction from teh local government...
                        3. how does this fit in with local voters, and the governments putported ecological policy...?
                        4. what happened to our freedom of choice?
                        5. if it was me, and I could afford it.. I would demolish my house.. and move away from the area... to55ers


                        • #13
                          If I lived in Richmond I would make sure that they did not get my vote the next time around. As it will be cased on emmissions a lot of Mini owners are going to be very upset.


                          • #14
                            Big Brother at it's best, commrads..

                            You have to pay VAT on a new 4X4, then you have to pay Road Tax at an increased rate due to the anti polution lobby, then when you insure it you have to pay tax on that, if the car is older than 3yrs you have to pay even more money for the MOT due to the fact they reckon it takes longer to test vehicles because of the Cat Converters (even though mine doesn't have one), then you have to pay the dearest tax and VAT on fuel in the Western World, and now you have to pay again for parking outside your own house.

                            And people wonder why I'm looking at moving out of the country???


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by surfchimaera View Post
                              Surely parking is actually helping with CO2 emissions as the engine is off. So if you choose to use the 4x4 only at weekends and cycle to work you will be penalised more than someone who travels by car constantly and causes more pollution.

                              I've just bought my first Surf this week. 2.4 SSr-X (Burgundy, maroon). Collect on Saturday. Can hardly wait.

                              Sorry my first post could not be on a happier subject.
                              Whats it like, any pics?
                              Have you tried pressing the red button yet?

