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Side steps

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  • Side steps

    Hi all just on my way home tonight when a Prick decides to side swipe me. After looking at the damage it looks like his come off worse as he hit my side step. It appears to have bent it down a bit and ripped off some of the rubber
    (sorry forgot to say just bog standard steps) as well as a bit of a s$$$$e along the rear door(done by his mirror) which I think will T-Cut out question is do I bother with the insurance or just charge him for a new side step or just straighten it out. Looks as if it just moved on the brackets underneath. Wouldn't mind so much I was 100yds from home.

  • #2
    Take some £££ off him! Ask what his excess is,Then repair your old one


    • #3
      Originally posted by marky
      Take some £££ off him! Ask what his excess is,Then repair your old one
      as marky said find out the price of step @ labour to fit , then fix it yourself

      had an old astra that bmw hit got a quote for £700 ,he paid cash ,kept the money and drove around with dent in car
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #4
        yep think your both right will see how much cash I can get and then spend the money on some new +2" springs,was thinking about taking the side steps off anyway


        • #5
          Can do you a nice deal on some rock sliders?!

          I NEED TO OFFROAD!

